Auction 75 - Rare and Important Items

Emissary Letter from 1758 – Signed by Leading Jerusalemite Rabbis – The Pri HaAdamah, the Get Mekushar, Rabbi Refael Yitzchak Zerachya Azulai Father of the Chida and Rabbi Nissim Beracha Father-in-Law of the Chida

Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $5,000 - $8,000
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Emissary letter for R. Yaakov Ashkenazi, signed by leading rabbis of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, [1758].
Addressed to the Rabbi of the Alessandria della Paglia community in Italy.
Neat scribal script, with the calligraphic signatures of four leading rabbis in Jerusalem (in order of signatures): R. Refael Meyuchas son of R. Shmuel, author of Pri HaAdamah; R. Refael Moshe Bula, author of Get Mekushar; R. Refael Yitzchak Zerachya Azulai, father of the Chida; and R. Nissim Beracha, father-in-law of the Chida.
In this letter, the rabbis of Jerusalem describe the devastation wrought by the rains in Jerusalem, including the destruction of the synagogue which housed the boys' school, where over 500 young boys studied, and the damage to the cemetery.
the address of the recipient, "To the great Torah scholar… rabbi of Alessandria della Paglia…", appears on verso.
The signatories of this letter:
R. Refael Meyuchas son of R. Shmuel (1695-1771), Rishon Letzion and rabbi of Jerusalem, author of Pri HaAdama and Mizbach Adama. The Chida served as dayan in his Beit Din.
R. Refael Moshe Bula (d. 1773), served as Rishon LeTzion for a half a year before his passing. Authored Get Mekushar and other works.
R. Refael Yitzchak Zerachya Azulai (1702-1765), a leading Torah scholar and kabbalist in Jerusalem, member of the Beit Yaakov Beit Midrash, dean of the yeshiva founded by the wealthy Mordechai Tallouk (named Gedulat Mordechai), alongside his brother-in-law R. Yonah Navon. His eldest son was the Chida, who quotes him extensively in his works.
R. Nissim Beracha, leading Jerusalem rabbi and Torah scholar of the Neveh Shalom yeshiva. The Chida married his daughter Rachel. The Chida refers to his father-in-law with great titles of honor.
[1] double leaf. 33 cm. Good-fair condition. A few stains. Marginal wear and tears. Folding marks and creases. Early (erroneous) inscription beneath the signature of R. Refael Meyuchas. Owner's stamp on verso.
Eretz Israeli, Oriental and Maghrebi Rabbis
Eretz Israeli, Oriental and Maghrebi Rabbis