Online Auction 05 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Early Booklets about Jewish Refugees from Germany – USA and England, 1933-1936

Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
6 booklets and publications concerning Jewish refugees who fled Germany and the state of German Jews since the rise of the Nazi party, USA and England, 1933-1936. English.
* Persecution of Jews in Germany. Published by the Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, London, April 1933. English, 49, [1] pp.
* Persecution of Jews in Germany, supplementary bulletin no. 1. Published by the Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, London, May1933. English, 42, [1] pp.
* The Jews in Nazi Germany, the factual records of their persecution by the National Socialists. Published by The American Jewish Committee, New York, June 1933, English. 90 pp.
* Out of the Depths I Cry unto Thee, sermon preached by the chief rabbi on behalf of the Jews in Germany. Published by the Office of the Chief Rabbi, London, July 1933. English. 12 pp.
* The Third Meeting of the Governing Body of the High Commission for Refugees Coming from Germany. Published by The Office of the High Commissioner, London, November 1934. English. 31, [1] pp.
* The German Refugees and the League of Nations, James G. McDonald, foreword by Viscount Cecil. Published by Friends of Europe, London, 1936. English. 30, [1] pp.
Size and condition vary, good overall condition.
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture