Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora

Document Concerning Drafting of Yeshivah Students – Jerusalem, 1948

Opening: $100
Document of settlement and agreement, concerning drafting of Yeshivah students, agreed upon between a joint committee of rabbis and heads of Yeshivot and the center for "Merkaz HaMifkad LeSherut Ha'am". Jerusalem, 1948.
Among rabbis mentioned are chief Rabbi Yitzchak Herzog and Chief Rabbi Benzion Meir Uziel, Rabbi Yehezkel Sarna, Rabbi Yehiel Michel Tukachinsky and other rabbis.
[1] leaf, 28 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears, creases. Filing holes.
Eretz Israel, Hityashvut, the State of Israel
Eretz Israel, Hityashvut, the State of Israel