Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Darkei Moshe - Sulzbach, 1692 - Copy of Rebbe Ya'akov Landau Av Beit Din of Ciechanów and Jeżów (Yezev) - With Glosses in his Handwriting

Opening: $1,000
Darkei Moshe, Yoreh De'ah. By Rabbi Moshe Isserles - the Rama. With Orach Mishor glosses, by Rabbi Yochanan of Kremenets. Sulzbach, [1692]. First edition.
On the title page is a stamp of Rabbi "Ya'akov son of R' A. Landau". On Leaf 30/1 is a long scholarly gloss in the handwriting of Rabbi Ya'akov [see enclosed photocopy for comparison] and another two short glosses on other leaves.
Rabbi Ya'akov Landau of Jeżów-Ciechanów (1834-1894), youngest son of Rebbe Avraham Landau of Ciechanów (1784-1875), displayed special aptitude and magnanimous refinement from a young age. His father loved him dearly and always called him an iluy (genius). [Rebbe Avraham had four sons and would praise each for his special attributes: Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf for his wisdom, Rabbi Dov Berish for his piety, Rabbi Refael, a complete tsaddik and Rabbi Ya'akov an ilui. Eulogizing his wife the Rebbetzin, Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanów referred to his four sons and said: "In Gan Eden, a chair of four legs is awaiting you…"]. Rabbi Ya'akov was exceptional in his simplicity and good heart. He was humble and enveloped in the world of Torah study. A leading Chassid of the Kotzk Rebbe and the author of Chiddushei HaRim of Ger.
Served in the Nasielsk, Ciechanów and Jeżów rabbinates. In the last seven years in the lifetime of his father, the Zechuta D'Avraham, the leadership of his Chassidim in conjunction with his duties in the rabbinate became a heavy burden for his father, the Rebbe. Hence, Rabbi Avraham resigned from the rabbinate and summoned his beloved son Rabbi Ya'akov to replace him as Av Beit Din of Ciechanów. [Out of respect for his father, Rabbi Ya'akov was called the Rabbi's deputy]. After his father's death, he relocated to Jeżów (near Lodz) to serve there as Av Beit Din and Rebbe and submitted to the authority of his eldest brother Rabbe Ze'ev Wolf of Stryków, who led his court according the Kotzk school. After the death of his brother of Stryków, Rabbi Ya'akov started serving as Rebbe in Jeżów and until today is known as "R' Yankele Jezower" [Rebbe Ya'akov of Jeżów].
In 1890, he first traveled to Eretz Israel and in 1893, again ascended to Jerusalem to settle there but due to family circumstances returned to Poland. He died there in Tevet 1894 and was buried in the burial site of the Ciechanów rebbes in the Warsaw cemetery.
[2], 106 leaves. 33 cm. Low-quality paper. Fair condition, tears and stains. Candle-wax stains. Cutoff glosses. New binding.
Chassidism - Manuscripts, Signatures and Glosses
Chassidism - Manuscripts, Signatures and Glosses