Online Auction 023 Part I + Part II - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture + Judaica

Collection of Vouchers, Scrips and Money-Substitutes – Palestine

Opening: $150
14 vouchers, scrips and money-substitutes. Palestine, 1930s to ca. 1950s.
Among the items: a voucher booklet issued by "Tnuva", Jerusalem (1935); vouchers for milk ("Mishan" Jerusalem), bread (cooperative consumers' association "HaMa'avir" LTD.), a ride from the post office to the university (Jerusalem), merchandize for fifty Mils (Kfar Malal), Australian butter ("From the Governmental import"); Postal Order for 1 Palestinian Pound (in the name of Dr. Wallach from Jerusalem), 1947; and additional items.
Enclosed: a lottery ticket of the OZET (Society for Settling Toiling Jews on the Land), USSR, 1930; Eiserne Mogen Dovid-Nagelspende, Hilfskommission 1915 für Palästina – a receipt for a donation for iron and nails for Palestine (with the voucher), [Vienna], 1915.
Size and condition vary.
Medals, Numismatics, Share Certificates, Scrips and Ephemera Items
Medals, Numismatics, Share Certificates, Scrips and Ephemera Items