Online Auction 09 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Various Means of Payment, Revenue Stamps, Bills and Tickets

Opening: $50
Sold for: $100
Including buyer's premium
A collection of about 350 means of payment, revenue stamps, bills and tickets, most of them transportation tickets issues by various transportation companies. 20th century.
* Tickets of transportation companies such as taxis, trains and buses: Israel Railways, Egged, Aryeh, Hamekasher, Dan, Kesher Kevutzat Nehagim * Parking receipts for parking in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv * Entrance tickets to Rosh Hanikra grottoes and cable car * Receipts for donation to Magen David Adom * Shekem trailer and canteen voucher booklet * Revenue stamp sheet * Ice voucher sheet * Parking receipts for different parking lots * First International Bank Promissory Notes and more.
About 350 tickets, vouchers and receipts. Overall good condition.
Shares, Means of Payment, and Ephemera
Shares, Means of Payment, and Ephemera