Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Tzedakah Boxes / JNF Blue Boxes

Opening: $600
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
17 Tzedakah Boxes. Palestine and the United States, [early 20th century through mid 20th century]. Among the boxes: Tzedakah boxes of "Bikur Holim" hospital and Yeshivah and Talmud Torah "Etz Haim", "Shomrey Hachomot" Kolel, Talmud Torah and Yeshivat "Chayei Olam", Diskin Orphanage, "Tomchey T'mimim" Yeshivot Lubavitch, in memory of Rabbi Meir Ba'al HaNess, "Yeshivat "Beit Yossef" in Mezritsh, "Keren HaYeshuv" of Agudat Yisrael Youth, General Girls Orphanage in Jerusalem, as well as three JNF "Blue Boxes".
Size and condition vary.
Objects and Numismatics
Objects and Numismatics