Auction 68 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Membership Cards – Zionist Movements and Organizations – "She'erit Hapletah" in Europe, 1946-1950

Opening: $1,000
17 membership cards, most of them issued by Zionist movements and organizations, which had belonged to Jewish refugees in Europe after the Holocaust. Germany, Poland and Romania, 1946-1950. Hebrew, German, Yiddish and other languages.
1. Membership card of the "Noa'r Chalutzi Me'uchad" (United Pioneering Youth) Movement in Germany. Braunschweig, 1946.
2. Membership card of the "'Mizrachi' and 'Torah VeAvodah' Federation in Poland – The central Committee in Lodz", 1946.
3-4. Two membership cards of the "Mizrachi-Torah VeAvodah" Movement, Germany, [1947].
5. Membership card of "Brit HaOvdim" (Alliance of Workers), the organization of workers of the Revisionist Movement. Iași, Romania, 1947.
6-7. Two membership cards of the "Poalei Zion-Hitachdut" party. Poland and the Deggendorf DP camp in Germany, 1947.
8. Membership card of the "HaShomer HaTzair" party in Germany. Föhrenwald DP camp, 1947.
9-10. Two membership cards in the name of Nachum Lenkin, 1946/47: "Betar certificate", the Eggenfelden DP camp in Germany; membership card of the United Revisionists Zionists in Germany.
11. Membership card of the "United Revisionists Zionists in Germany – Central committee", [1948].
12. Membership card of "The Association of Democratic Zionists 'Ichud' in Poland", Lodz, 1948.
13. Membership card of the "Revisionists Zionists in Germany – the Center". The Heidenheim DP camp, Germany, 1949.
14-17. Four cards in the name of Sami (Zami) Feder, an actor, director and founder of the Kazet, Concentration Camp Theater, at the Bergen-Belzen DP camp – three membership cards of the Societe Mutualiste de Bendzin & Zaglembia and a membership card of the Jewish community of Munich.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah