Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Collection of Letters and Signed Documents – Sephardic Rabbis in Tiberias – 1900-1960

Opening: $400
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium

Large assorted collection of letters, documents, receipts and various documents, most signed by Sephardic rabbis in Tiberias, between ca. 1900-1960.
Among other things, the collection includes: Official stationery and printed receipts, some printed in color, decorations and pictures of holy sites, filled in by hand and signed or stamped by the rabbis.

Some items included in the collection:
• Letter of blessing for the bar mitzvah of Mordechai son of Avraham Nachum, neatly written, with the signatures of the city rabbis (calligraphic signatures): R. Aharon Alchadif, the Chacham Bashi (with his stamp); R. Yehudah Toledano; R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki; R. David Soudri; R. Baruch Toledano and R. Machluf HaKohen. Tiberias, 25 Shevat [1900].
• Large printed leaf with Shanah Tovah wishes, from the Sephardic Jewish community in Tiberias, with the addressees, the brothers Ashkenazi, filled in by hand. Stamps of Tiberias institutions and signature-like stamps of R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki and R. Avraham Abuchatzeira. Tiberias, [ca. 1890s-1910s].
• Certificate declaring Yosef son of Yeshuah Zrihan unmarried, with (calligraphic) signatures and stamps of dayanim R. Shmuel Ben-Kiki (head of Tiberias Beit Din), R. Yaakov Chai Zrihan and R. Eliyahu Illouz. Tiberias, 1914.
• Certificate declaring Yosef son of Yeshuah Zrihan unmarried, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Yissachar Abulafia, the Chacham Bashi. Tiberias, 1914.
• Letter from the Chacham Bashi R. Chaim [son of R.] Aharon Alchadif to R. Bentzion Uziel. Lengthy handwritten letter [scribal writing?], with R. Alchadif's official stamp and signature-like stamp. Tiberias, Tamuz [1919].
• Reports on Torah and educational institutions in Tiberias, signed by R. Meir Vaknin. 1920s-1930s.
• Postcard with letter from R. Meir Vaknin to his son Pinchas Vaknin. 1943.
• Three postcards with letters handwritten and signed by R. Meir Vaknin (with his stamp), to R. Shimon Ohayon, a rabbi in Jaffa. Tiberias, Cheshvan and Kislev 1959.
• Receipts and signed letters (on official stationeries of the institutions in Tiberias), signed by the rabbis and emissaries: R. Yaakov Vaknin, R. Bechor Yehudah Vaknin, R. Chaim Yosef Maman, R. Refael Bibas, R. Yaakov Chai Zrihan, R. Shalom Malka, R. Baruch Toledano and others.
• Two photographs on postcards, with letters from R. Bechor Yehudah Vaknin. One postcard shows a photograph of a procession of Torah scrolls at the celebration of R. Meir Baal HaNes, and the other shows a photograph of R. Bechor Yehudah and his wife. Tiberias, Adar 1930 / Elul 1931.

28 letters and printed items. Varying size and condition.

Eretz Israel – Letters and Documents
Eretz Israel – Letters and Documents