Auction 26 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Letters and Documents – Wolkovisk Jewry

Opening: $400
Collection of letters and documents concerning the Jews of Wolkovisk, Poland. 1946-1948. Yiddish and Hebrew.
Collection includes: *Two letters in Yiddish sent to the head of the Organization of Jews from Wolkovisk from Santa Maria di Leuca DCP in Italy, where the "Edut" training Kibbutz was active. * Group photo of Wolkovisk Jews in Argentina and letters sent by them to Eretz Israel. * Letter from UNRRA camp in Italy. *Letters sent from the American Zone in Germany. *Letter from Heinrich Loewe, in which he asks to send to the public library "Sha'arey Zion" in Tel-Aviv copies of the book "The Destruction of Wolkovisk". Letter from Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman. *Additional items. Lot of approx. 40 items. Sizes and conditions vary.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities