Collection of Documents, Publications and Paper Items – "Kofer HaYeshuv" and "Totzeret HaAretz"

Opening: $500
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
About 130 paper items concerning "Kofer HaYeshuv" fundraising and a campaign to promote the purchase of locally made products. Palestine, 1930s and 1940s.
In the collection: * "Kofer HaYeshuv" ring. * Wax seal with "Kofer HaYeshuv" emblem. * "Announcement concerning receipt of donations paid in cash for "Kofer HaYeshuv", 1938. "Protocol of "Matat Tachshitim" (donation of jewelry) by immigrants from Bulgaria, 1938. * Instructions to banks and to special offices regarding the fundraising campaign for "Kofer HaYeshuv". * Information booklets issued by "Kofer HaYeshuv", 1939-1940. * "Kofer HaYeshuv" stamps, 1941-1948. * Receipts with "Kofer HaYeshuv"stamps. * A call to merchants and buyers to cooperate with the collection of "Kofer HaYeshuv" tax. * Subscription for transportation with "HaMekasher" company and multi-travel tickets with "Kofer HaYeshuv" stamps, 1940. *Label "Aleh LaTorah – 50% to 'Kofer HaYeshuv' ", Simchat Torah, 1939. * Arm band (fabric), "Mitnadev-Poked" - "Kofer HaYeshuv" volunteer. * "Tav Magen" - "Kofer HaYeshuv" , Tiberias community. * Commitment form for donation to "Kofer HaYeshuv" , 1939. * Stamps of "Tav HaBankim" - "Kofer HaYeshuv" . * Checks with "Kofer HaYeshuv" stamps. * Wax-paper wrappers for Latvian natural butter "Gilboa" with ink-stamps of "Hafrashat HaImport HaHaklai" of "Kofer HaYeshuv" . * Wrapper for Margarine made by different companies with "Totzeret HaAretz" labels. * "Totzeret HaAretz" labels and stamps. *A letter from a girl to her parents calling them to buy locally manufactured products. With the slogan "Buy 'Totzeret HaAretz' and build your country" (Hebrew), 1936. * Propaganda tickets: "For Each Jewish Banana – a Label", "Chanukkah Money only from 'Totzeret HaAretz'", (Hebrew). * Labels booklet, "30 days of 'Totzeret HaAretz'…" (Hebrew), with lists of locally manufactured products. *Temporary certificate to a person committed to purchase locally manufactured products on behalf of the "Alliance of 'Totzeret HaAretz' supporters".
Enclosed: Exhibition catalogue - "Totzeret HaAretz – 1923-1948", Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1997.
One ring and about 130 paper items. Size and condition vary.
Maps,Travels to Palestine, Photography, Postcards and Graphics,
Maps,Travels to Palestine, Photography, Postcards and Graphics,