Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

Collection of Chazon Ish books

Opening: $330
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
1. Sefer Chazon Ish, the volume containing Orach Chaim, Kodshim, Yoreh De'ah, Hilchot Nida, Vilna 1911. This is the first work of Rabbi Avraham Yishayahu Karelitz and was printed without his name and thus he was known as the Chazon Ish. (2 title pages. There is an additional page added to the back of the book with price of the book and statement that all profits will go to the Yeshiva of Kosów).
2. Orach Chaim, Kuntress HaMuktze, Vilna 1923. (not bound).
3. Orach Chaim Hilchot Eruvin, 1929. (2 title pages).
4. Orach Chaim Hilchot Eruvin, Jerusalem 1955. 2nd printing with additions.
5. Even Ha'Ezer Hilchot Gittin V'Kedushin, Inynei Avadim. Vilna 1932.
6. Even Ha'Ezer Hilchot Gittin V'Kedushin, Inynei Avadim. Jerusalem 1954. 2nd printing with additions.
7. Ohalot, Vilna 1936.
8. Teharot, Zavim, Tevul Yom, Yadayim, Uktzin. Jerusalem 1940.
9. Hilchot Shabbat, Jerusalem 1948.
10. Choshen Mishpat, He'arot MiSefer Shvu'ot, Chulin. Jerusalem 1942.
11. Choshen Mishpat part II, Bava Kama, Jerusalem 1950.
12. Shvi'it, Jerusalem – Shmitah year 1952.
13. Mikva'ot, Machshirin, Jerusalem 1954. 2nd printing with additions
33 cm average size (large). Fair to very good condition. In some volumes the binding is partially detached and some have moth holes, most are in good condition.
HaChazon Ish
HaChazon Ish