Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Chassidic Books - First Editions / Signatures

Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,125
Including buyer's premium
Collection of Chassidic books, some first editions:
· Divrei Chaim, Parts 1-2 on the Torah, the Festivals and the Talmud, by Rebbe Chaim Halberstam of Sanz. Mukacheve, 1877. Second edition, first edition revealing the name of the author. Stefansky Chassidut no. 119. Ownership inscriptions.
· Tiferet Shlomo, on the Torah, with the addition of Likutim Chadashim by Rebbe Shlomo of Radomsk. Pietrykau, [1890]. Ownership inscriptions and stamp of Rabbi Yeshaya Sneubalg, with a few glosses in his handwriting.
· Or HaGanuz - V'Zot L'Yehuda, two parts, by Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen of Annopol. Lemberg, 1866. First edition. Stefansky Chassidut no. 21. Bound with: Ma'ayan HaChochma, Chernivtsi, 1863.
· Yesod Ha'Avodah, by Rebbe Avraham Weinberg of Slonim. Warsaw, 1892. First edition.
· Beit Yisrael, commentary on the Torah with new appendixes, by Rebbe Zvi Hirsh of Zhydachiv. Lvov, 1865. Stefansky Chassidut no. 87. Bound with: Pri Kodesh Hillulim, commentary on Pri Etz Chaim, by Rebbe Zvi Hirsh of Zhydachiv. Lvov, 1865. Ownership inscriptions and stamps of Rabbi Zalman Leib Freidlander Av Beit Din of Białaczów.
· Kitvei Kodesh M'Chochmei Emet, collection of homilies by Chassidic leaders. Lvov, [1862].
· Likutim Yekarim, by the Ba'al Shem tov and Chassidic leaders. [Ostroh?], [1820?]. Stefansky Chassidut no. 304. Tears to title page. Bound with [3] first leaves of Sefer Yere'im. Zhovkva, [1804].
· Tzemach Hashem L'Zvi, Chassidic articles on the Torah, by Rebbe Zvi Hirsh of Nadvirna. [Berdychiv, c. 1818]. First edition. Lacking, damaged copy. 5-68, 83-134 leaves (originally: [3], 28; 138 leaves).
10 books in 8 volumes. Size and condition vary.
Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books