Online Auction 05 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Broadsides in Response to "Land Transfer regulations", 1940s

Opening: $300
Seventeen protest posters printed in response to the "White Paper" and the "Land Transfer Regulation". Eretz Israel, 1940s (most of the posters of 1940). Hebrew and English.
The collection includes, among others: * Broadsides printed on behalf of "Moetzet Po'alei Tel-Aviv" and "Va'ad HaKehila HaIvrid BeYerushalayim", calling to a general strike and a protest demonstration. * Manifest of "Meli'at HaVa'ad HaLeumi". * Broadside protesting against censorship of Hebrew Journalism. * Two radical broadsides implying a violent struggle. * Eight street broadsides on behalf of Histadrut HaOvdim.
"Land Transfer Regulations" legislated in February 1940, banned the sale of lands by Jews and applied to 95% of lands in Eretz Israel.
17 broadsides. Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture