Auction 93 Part 2 - Ancient Books, Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books, Manuscripts and Letters

Collection of Books by Rebbe Yaakov Tzvi Yolles Rabbi of Dinov, Author of Melo HaRo'im – Including First Editions

Opening: $800

Ten books by Rebbe Yaakov Tzvi Yolles Rabbi of Dinov (Dynów), author of Melo HaRo'im, mostly first editions:

• Chinuch Beit Yehuda. Warsaw, 1869. First edition.
• Melo HaRo'im, two parts. Halberstadt, 1859. Second edition.
• Kehilat Yaakov, kabbalah. Lviv, 1870. First edition.
• Melo HaRo'im, Part III. Premishla (Przemyśl), 1884. First edition of this part. Stamps of Rabbiner Dr. A. Neuwirth (presumably R. Aharon Neuwirth, father of R. Yehoshua Neuwirth author of Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata).
• Beit Vaad LaChachamim. Kraków, 1884. First edition.
• Emet LeYaakov. Lviv, 1884. First edition.
• Parashat Derachim Zuta. Kraków, 1885. First edition.
• Kehilat Yaakov, Aggadic novellae on Tractate Berachot. Premishla (Przemyśl), [1909]. First edition.
• Zichron Yaakov V'Yehuda. Munkacs, [1928]. First edition.

10 books. Size and condition vary. New bindings. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.

Rebbe Yaakov Zvi Yolles rabbi of Dinov (1778-1825), prominent Galician Torah leader and rebbe. Close disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin, the Maggid of Kozhnitz and R. Mendel of Rimanov.

Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books