Auction 68 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Books, Booklets and Periodicals Printed for "She'erit Hapletah" – Germany and Austria, 1945-1950

Opening: $500
17 textbooks, children's books, periodicals and booklets printed for "She'erit Hapletah" in Europe, some of them by youth movements. Germany and Austria, 1945-1950. Hebrew, Yiddish and German.
Among the items: • "Pessach-Buch", a collection of articles for the first Passover of She'erit Hapletah in Europe (Marburg, 1946). • "Strengthen your muscles, prepare!", a Yiddish booklet issued by the Betar Movement in Germany, with illustrations and instructions for performing sports exercises (Munich, [1946]). • "Nitzotz" (Spark), the journal of the center of the United Zionist Federation of She'erit Hapletah in Germany and the central management of "Noar Chalutzi Me'uchad" (United Pioneering Youth) (Munich, 1946). • "Etzion", Yiddish booklet issued by the "Mizrachi" Movement and the "Torah VeAvodah" Movement in Austria (Linz-Ebelsberg, 1948). Contains articles about the establishment of Gush Etzion and its destruction, accompanied by several photographs. • "SS Exodus 1947" (Hebrew), a book accompanied by photographs describing the story of the illegal immigration and deportation of the illegal immigrants of the SS Exodus (Munich: "Dror" center in Germany, [1947/8]). • Yiddish-Hebrew Dictionary, by Yisrael Yevarchiyahu. "Printed for the children of She'erit Hapletah in the camps of the American zone in Germany" (Germany, 1948). • And more.
A complete list will be sent upon request.
Size and condition vary.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
Antisemitism, Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah