Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora

Collection of Books – Shalom Aleichem

Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
Collection of nine books by and about Shalom Aleichem.
* Zum andenk fun Shalom Aleichem. Zamlbukh [in memory of Shalom Aleichem]. Published by Y.L. Peretz Fund, vos bay der gezelshaft far yiddisher literature un kunst, 1918. With a portrait-photo of Shalom Aleichem, photo of a letter in his handwriting and illustrations.
* Shalom Aleichem in Hebrew. Memorial booklet. Translated by I. Karniel. Safed: "HaGalil" printing press, 1917.
* Skitzn un bilder, Shalom Aleichem. Mit a hakdama fun Leibl Toybsh. Vienna: "Ezra", 1920.
* Mayn bruder Shalom Aleichem. Zikhroynes. Wolf (Wewik) Rabinovich. Kiev: "Melukhe farlag", 1939. Illustrations.
* Vegn Shalom Aleichem's humor. M. Wiener. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1941.
* Werk, fun di yorn 1883-1886. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1948. First volume.
* Kinder shpiel / Sender Blank / Lider. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1948. Second volume.
* Stempenyu / Yosele Solovey. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1948. Third volume.
* Shalom Aleichem in bild. Buenos Aires: Yidisher wisenshaftlikher institute, 1959. Numerous photographs.
Size and condition vary.
Hebrew Literature and Manuscripts, Jewish Languages
Hebrew Literature and Manuscripts, Jewish Languages