Auction 87 - Jewish and Israeli Art, History and Culture

Including: sketches by Ze'ev Raban and Bezalel items, hildren's books, avant-garde books, rare ladino periodicals, and more

Collection of Aerial Photographs – Jewish Settlements in Palestine, 1930s-1940s

Opening: $300
38 aerial photographs. Various sites in Palestine, [1930s and 1940s].
• Photographs commissioned by Keren Hayesod – 23 of them marked on the back with the inked stamp "Photo Keren Hayesod Jerusalem" – showing Hulata, Deganya, Nir David, Ashdot Ya'akov, Afikim, Kfar Vitkin, Beit Eshel, Sha'ar HaGolan, and other locations. • Early photograph of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi by photographer Zoltan Kluger, marked on the back with the inked stamp "The Orient Press Photo Co. (photo Z. Kluger)." (Kluger was also possibly responsible for other photographs in this collection). • Two photographs commissioned by "Aviron, Palestine Aviation Company Ltd." And more.
Most photos titled (in pencil) on back.
Size varies, approx. 14.5X10 to 22.5X28 cm. Overall good condition. Three sepia toned photographs.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.