Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Bohemia Glass Beaker - Altneuschul (Old New Synagogue) in Prague

Opening: $700
Bohemian flashed ruby glass beaker, ornamented in white and gold, engraved with the facade of the Altneuschul in Prague. [Czechoslovakia(?), 19th century].
Small beaker, ornamented with a pomegranate flanked by birds. The façade of the Altneuschul synagogue in Prague appears in the center of the pomegranate under the legend "Altneuschul Synagogue in Prague".
The Gothic Altneuschul in Prague was built in 1270. This synagogue is the oldest synagogue in Europe still in use. The original name of the synagogue was "Neu Shul" (new synagogue), however, with passing time the name changed to Altneuschul (old-new synagogue). Reputedly, the source of the name is the Hebrew expression "Al Tnai" (conditionally), behind which lies a legend about stones of the Beit HaMikdash which were placed in the synagogue building on the condition that upon the arrival of the Messiah, they will be returned to their original place. The Maharal of Prague prayed in this synagogue and instituted unique customs. According to legend, the Golem of Prague that was created by the Maharal was buried in the geniza in the attic of this synagogue after its living spirit was removed.
Height: 8 cm. Diameter: 5.5 cm. Good condition. Minor damage to glass and to color.
Objects and Jewish Ceremonial Art
Objects and Jewish Ceremonial Art