Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Bereshit with Or HaChaim - Slavita, 1832 - Copy of Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Ruzhin-Sadigura

Opening: $500
Bereshit, with Rashi and Or HaChaim commentaries and with Targum Yonatan ben Uziel. Slavita, [1832]. Printed by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira. Approbations by Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl, and others.
On the title page is an ancient stamp, with the symbol of an eagle, of Rabbi "Shlomo Friedman" - son of Rebbe Avraham Ya'akov (the first), of Sadigura (Encyclopedia Le'Chassidut Vol. 3, p. 713), and brother in law of Rebbe Nachum Duber of Sadigura.
Lacking four leaves, 5-8, replaced by Leaves 14-21, from a similar edition of the Chumash, with Or HaChaim and Be'er Mayim Chaim, [Chernivtsi edition? 1850? - printed with the approbation of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn].
4, 14-21, 9-196 leaves. 23 cm. Blue paper [except the replacement leaves 14-21 which are printed on regular paper]. Varying condition. Most leaves are in good condition. The first and last leaves have tears and worming. Open tear to margin of last leaf. Worn binding, with leather spine and corners.
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir and Books Printed in Russia-Poland
Books Printed in Slavita and Zhitomir and Books Printed in Russia-Poland