Auction 73 - Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art

Baruch Nachshon (b. 1939) – The Feast of Leviathan – Oil on Masonite

Opening: $300
Baruch Nachshon (b. 1939), The Feast of Leviathan, 1977.
Oil on Masonite. Signed and dated.
Baruch Nachshon, born in Haifa, studied art with photographer and painter Shlomo (Neroni) Narinsky. Nachshon, a Chabad hassid, was awarded a scholarship to study art in New York by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. At the Rebbe's request, Nachshon held an exhibition of his work at the Chabad World Headquarters, and the Rebbe, after touring the exhibition, urged him to "disseminate his art by any means, across the whole world". He lives in Hebron and his works are largely inspired by biblical, midrashic and aggadic themes.
49.5X19 cm, in a 76.5X46.5 cm frame. Good condition. Minor blemishes to frame.
Provenance: The collection of Simcha Holtzberg, "Father of the Wounded Soldiers".
Simcha Holtzberg (1924-1994), also known as the "Father of the Wounded Soldiers", loreate of the 1976 Israel Prize, was born in Warsaw, Poland, and experienced firsthand the horrors of the Holocaust in the Warsaw Ghetto and the camps of Budzyń and Bergen-Belzen. After the liberation, he immigrated to Palestine, married and started a family, making a living trading in Judaica and art. Since the Six-Day War, he devoted much of his time and efforts to helping wounded and disabled IDF soldiers and bereaved families. He visited wounded soldiers in hospitals, supporting them both spiritually and financially and accompanying them in their recovery as a real father would.
From Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s eulogy in memory of Simcha Holtzberg: "This man, snatched from the fire of the Holocaust, so deeply concerned for the State of Israel, a haven for Holocaust refugees, did everything in his power so that the catastrophe would be remembered. The terrors of the Holocaust followed him like a shadow, fueling his love of the State, the wounded, the disabled, the bereaved families […] in the name of the Israel Defense Forces and in the name of the State of Israel, I salute you, Simcha".
Israeli and International Art
Israeli and International Art