Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Babylonian Talmud - Zhitomir, 1858-1864 - Incomplete Set

Opening: $500
Babylonian Talmud, with the commentaries. Zhitomir: Shapira Brothers, [1858-1864]. Eighteen volumes.
Eighteen volumes: Berachot; Shabbat; Eiruvin; Pesachim, Chagiga; Rosh Hashana, Yoma, Sukkah; Yevamot, Sotah; Gittin, Nazir; Kiddushin, Nedarim; Bava Kama; Bava Batra (two copies); Sanhedrin; Makkot, Horayot; Shevuot, Avoda Zara; Zevachim, Menachot; Chullin; Bechorot, Arachin, Temura, Keritot, Me'ila, Tamid; Niddah.
Lacking Tractates: Beitzah, Taanit, Megillah, Moed Katan, Ketubot, Bava Metzia.
18 volumes. Approx. 36.5-37.5 cm. Overall fair-poor condition. A few volumes in good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Dampstains and traces of past dampness. Extensive worming. Tears and creases to some title pages and other leaves. Most volumes with original leather bindings, very damaged, some detached. Several volumes with different bindings.
The volumes were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Books Printed by the Shapira Family - Slavita, Józefów and Zhitomir
Books Printed by the Shapira Family - Slavita, Józefów and Zhitomir