Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Avot DeRabbi Natan - Dyhernfurth, 1788 - Copy of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen "Mesharet" of Rimanov, with His Signature

Opening: $45,000
Tractate Avot DeRabbi Natan, with the Binyan Yehoshua commentary, by R. Yehoshua Falk of Lissa. Dyhernfurth, [1788]. Only edition.
Copy of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen "Mesharet" of Rimanov. In the margin of the title page, inscription attesting that "This Binyan Yehoshua belongs to the renowned rabbi and Chassid, R. Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov". Close to the printer's device, a handwritten signature: "Tzvi Hirsh", which was identified with certainty as the signature of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov (see enclosed expert's report, and see his established signatures for comparison).
At the top and bottom of the title page, signatures: "Tzvi Hirsh Dubetzker", faithful attendant of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov.
Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen "Mesharet" of Rimanov (1778-1846), a leading Chassidic Tzadik, holy man and wonder worker, close disciple and successor of Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Rimanov. R. Meir of Premishlan dubbed him "the Avraham Avinu of the generation", and R. Yisrael of Ruzhin attested that whoever saw him "knew that he had seen the Divine Presence".
R. Tzvi Hirsh was orphaned in his childhood, and after working for several years as an apprentice to a tailor, he met R. Avraham Moshe of Pshevorsk, became attached to him, and abandoned all worldly matters, to engage himself completely in Torah study and worship of G-d. He later travelled to Fristik, to the study hall of R. Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, one of the most prominent Chassidic leaders. There, he cleaved to his teacher passionately, and never left him. Reputedly, when R. Tzvi Hirsh first came to study under R. Menachem Mendel, he once made his bed for him. The next morning, when R. Menachem Mendel rose, he asked who had made his bed, and declared: "Whoever made my bed last night should continue doing so in the future". Since that day, R. Tzvi Hirsh became the personal attendant of R. Menachem Mendel in all matters, earning him the appellation of "Mesharet" (=servant). The Divrei Shmuel Rebbe of Slonim stated: "From attending to the Tzaddik, he elevated himself to the level of Heavenly angels" (Beit Deli, 2009 edition, p. 10). Prior to his passing, R. Menachem Mendel instructed his disciples to follow R. Tzvi Hirsh after his demise, rather than his son R. Natan Leib (who was also a prominent Tzaddik). After his teacher's passing in 1815, R. Tzvi Hirsh frequented the court of Rebbe Naftali of Ropshitz, and only after the latter's passing in 1827, did he begin leading his own court.
R. Tzvi Hirsh is renowned as an exceptionally devoted worshipper of G-d, for the sublime levels he reached, the Divine Inspiration he benefitted from and the wonders he performed. He was primarily famous for his passionate prayers, which were completely divested of physicality, with a powerful, mighty voice which resounded to a distance. Many stories are retold of his exceptional concentration while praying, to the extent of losing all physical sensations, feeling neither heat nor cold, not knowing what he was doing and where he was. He was also renowned for his charitability, sometimes to the point of incurring debts for charity purposes. Likewise, he was reputed for the power of his blessings, with which he brought about salvations. R. Tzvi Hirsh was a Kohen, and he believed in the power of his blessings, as he once attested in tears: "I am occupied all day with blessing the Jewish people with love" (Mevaser Tov, Kamelhar).
Many great Chassidic leaders would frequent his court, to observe his worship of G-d, hear his Torah teachings, and cleave to him ardently. These include the Divrei Chaim Rebbe of Sanz and his son Rebbe Yechezkel of Shinova, Rebbe Eliezer of Dzikov, R. Asher Yeshaya of Ropshitz and the "Saraf" Rebbe Chaim Meir Yechiel of Mogelnitza. Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin, who was the mechutan of R. Tzvi Hirsh, once told the "Saraf" of Mogelnitza that he should "travel to him, to gaze intently at his countenance, and know that he has seen the Divine Presence" (Be'erot HaMayim). The sons of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin described him as a "Tzaddik, foundation of the world". Rebbe Meir of Premishlan dubbed him "the Avraham Avinu of our generation". His disciple Rebbe Yechezkel of Shinova attested that R. Tzvi Hirsh once declared "that he only says Torah that is placed in his mouth from Heaven". Reputedly, at the time of his passing, a pillar of fire rose over his home, and lit up all the neighboring villages, to the point that it appeared to the locals that Rimanov was going up in flames. This pillar of fire remained until after his burial (close to the gravesite of his teacher R. Menachem Mendel).
R. Tzvi Hirsh Dubetzker was the faithful attendant of R. Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov, and very attached to him. He was also close to Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin, who mentions him in a letter he wrote after the passing of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov (see Ner Yisrael, IV, pp. 105-106).
This book later became part of the library of Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura, and his stamps appear on the title page: "Nachum Dov Ber Friedman" -"Minchat Shai". The front endpaper bears a bookplate of the "Library of R. Nachum Dov Friedman of Sadagura". Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura, (1843/1844-1883), grandson of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin. He was the son of Rebbe Shalom Yosef and son-in-law of his uncle Rebbe Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura. R. Nachum Dov Ber was known as a prominent collector of manuscripts and valuable books (see: Dovid Asaf, Derech HaMalchut, p. 454, note 34). R. Yehuda Leibush Landau Rabbi of Sadigura, describes him and his notable library in his preface to his book Yad Yehuda on Yoreh De'ah: "And when I came to Sadagura, I found what I love in the home of my relative, of distinguished lineage, R. Nachum Dov, who owns a collection of valuable books from early authors, which is unrivaled in glory and splendor". R. Nachum Dov used several types of stamps in his library. Books inherited from his father were stamped "Nachalat Avotai" (family inheritance), books he purchased were stamped "Kinyan Kaspi" (my acquisition), while books he received as a gift were stamped "Minchat Shai" (gift - as this book).
[2], 24, 24-29; 9; 9 leaves. 31.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, dampstains and wear. Minor tears to margins of title page and several other leaves, not affecting text. Marginal inscriptions in ink to several leaves. Old binding, detached.
Expert report enclosed, authenticating the signature as that of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov.
Chassidism - Important Ownership, Signatures and Dedications
Chassidism - Important Ownership, Signatures and Dedications