Auction 73 - Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art

Alfred Dreyfus Wearing the Medal of the Legion of Honor – Souvenir Postcard, Hand-Signed by Dreyfus

Opening: $1,000
A postcard presumably printed to mark the acquittal of Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus in 1906. Hand-signed by him.
The postcard depicts Dreyfus after his acquittal, wearing the uniform of the French army with the medal of the Legion of Honor displayed on his chest (Dreyfus was awarded the medal in a public ceremony in July 1906, a week after he was cleared of all charges by the court). Signed at bottom: "A. Dreyfus".
Gilt edges; a printed caption on bottom, next to the signature, reads "Collection C. Coquelin" (the postcard may have been commissioned by French actor and pro-Dreyfusard Benoit-Constant Coquelin, who had close ties with Dreyfus during the affair).
Undivided postcard. Approx. 9X13.5 cm. Good condition.
Provenance: Bought at Maggs Bros. Ltd. Rare books, autographs, manuscripts and miniatures, 1995.
The Dreyfus Affair, Antisemitism, The Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah
The Dreyfus Affair, Antisemitism, The Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah