Albums of Pressed Flowers - Extensive Collection of Souvenirs from the Holy Land

Opening: $5,000
Sold for: $6,250
Including buyer's premium
An extensive and impressive collection of approximately 100 albums of pressed flowers. Various publishers, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jordan, London, Washington, New York, and other locations, ca. 1896-1950 (most albums are from the first two decades of the 20th century). Hebrew, French, English, German, Russian, Arabic and Greek.
Albums of pressed flowers appeared in Eretz Israel towards the end of the 19th century and gained fast and outstanding success. The growing tourism to the Near East led to high demand for souvenirs and decorative objects and until the beginning of the twentieth century the albums became popular items and were considered prestigious and authentic. Most albums feature handcrafts and traditional Eretz Israeli crafts, including carving and inlay of olive wood, decorative arrangements of pressed flowers and later on various printing techniques. The collection offered here portrays a varied and unique collection of this long-forgotten craft.
Most of the albums in this collection are bound in carved and inlaid olive wood bindings; in many albums colorful postcards are incorporated, as well as lithographic printings, decorations and verses of poems in stylized script.
Among the items:
· "Pirchei Eretz HaKedosha" [Flowers from the Holy Land], early album by the scholar, geographer and explorer, Abraham Moses Luncz. · "Asufat Perachim mehaMekomot HaKedoshim Beretz HaKodesh" [Flowers from holy places in the Holy Land], album with a colorful lithographic map of Eretz Israel. · "Souvenir to our Benefactors", souvenir album awarded to the Franciscan Commissariat of the Holy Land, published by "Mount St. Sepulchre" in Washington. · 14 albums with colorful lithographs printed by "Monsohn" Jerusalem. · Three albums printed in Jerusalem under Jordanian rule, stamped H.K Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom, Jordan). · Three albums published by American Colony in Jerusalem. · Six albums printed in honor of Allenby arriving in Jerusalem – in Remembrance of the British Army Conqueror of the Holy Land 9th December 1917; two albums are accompanied by photographs of the day the British Army entered Jerusalem.
Numerous albums published by different publishing houses: Leib Kahana; H. N. Shechter; Ferdinand Vester; Daud A. Hallac Bros.; Ephtimios frères; Gabriel et Abrahim Dabdoub; Elias A. Coubrousli; M. Weisman; T. Habesch, The commercial Press; N. De Simini; F. F. Marroum; Ibrahim Atallah / King David Store T. J. Atallah; Atallah Bros.; Australian Soldiers Club; and more.
Size and condition vary. Overall fair-good condition. Stains, creases and some tears. Damages to flower arrangements in some of the albums. Some detached or partly detached bindings. Lacking some tissue-gurads.
1. Eliyahu Hacohen: "Ahavat Pirchei HaAretz BaMe'a Sheavrah" [Love of Holy Land Flowers in the Past Century]. Teva Va-Aretz, volume 20, issue 2, 1978.
2. Ami Zehavi, "HaOsher HaYechidi shel HaAretz HaKedosha HaAniya" [The only wealth of the holy poor land]. Et-Mol, Issue 227, 2013.
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items