Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

“HaRoman HaZair” – 122 Booklets in 13 Volumes

Opening: $500
122 Booklets published by “HaRoman HaZair” (The Miniature Novel), Tel Aviv, 1939-1946.
Booklets 11-17, 20-34, 36-55, 111-120, 161-175, 201-230, 251-270, 356-360, bound in 13 volumes.
Attached is a volume containing six booklets from the series “Misipurei Haolam” (Stories from the World), a booklet from the series “Sipurei Haolam Hagadol” (Stories from Wide World) and booklets 1-4 of “Bema’arbolet, Sipur MeHayey Isha Yehudit” (Story of the Life of a Jewish Woman), a novel in parts published by “Hotzaa Amamit Zeira”. Total of 14 volumes, average size: 15 cm. Various conditions. Stains, moth holes, some booklets lack covers.
"Light" Literature
"Light" Literature