Online Auction 016 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Composition about Handling and Trading Horses, by a Jewish Dealer – Holland, 1842

Opening: $200
Ontsluijerde geheimen van alle handelsvoordeelen en verfraaijingkunsten der paarden, om bij den in- en verkoop van paarden met voordeel te kunnen handelen en zich tegen schade en bedrog te hoeden. Composition about handling and trading horses. Groningen, Holland: J. Oomkens, 1842. Dutch.
Dutch translation of the book written by the Jewish-German horse-trader Avraham Mortgens regarding care and trade of horses. Two (different) illustrations of two figures standing next to a horse are printed on the front cover and on the title page.
XII, 147 pp, 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains (primarily to margins). Creases and minor damages to margins. Few tears. Uncut sheets at beginning of book. Sightly worn detached cover (with stains, wear and minor tears). Torn spine (lacking pieces). Loose or partially detached gatherings.
Not in NLI.
Jewish Communities, Genealogy
Jewish Communities, Genealogy