Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection

Collection of Yiddish Poetry and Prose Books – Covers and Illustrations by Meir Axelrod

Opening: $100
Sold for: $163
Including buyer's premium
Six books and booklets designed and illustrated by Meir Axelrod:

1. Mit Biks in Hant [With a Rifle in Hand], poems by M. Golbshteyn [Motye Golbshteyn]. Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947. On the title page, dedication by the author to the illustrator Meir Axelrod and his wife, writer and translator Rivka Rubin, 1.6.1947.

2. Afn Hoykhn Barg [On a High Mountain], poems by A. Gontar (Avraham Gontar). Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947. On the title page, dedication by the author to Rivka Rubin, 18.6.1947.

3. Gezang fun Mayn Gemit (1941-1946) [Songs of My Spirit (1941-1946)], by Leyb Kvitko. Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947. Cover, illustrations and plates by Meir Axelrod.

4. Finf un Zibetsik Toyznt, a Pekl [The Seventy-Five Thousand], by Sholem Aleichem. Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947.

5. Der Farkishefter Shnayder [The Enchanted Tailor], by Sholem Aleichem (from "Mayses far Yidishe Kinder"). Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947.

6. Dos Meserl, der Zeyger, Afn Fidl [The Penknife, the Clock, On the Violin], three stories by Sholem Aleichem (from "Mayses far Yidishe Kinder"). Moscow: Ogiz, Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1948.

6 books and booklets. Size and condition vary.

Meir Axelrod (Меер Моисеевич Аксельрод; 1902-1970), Jewish-Soviet painter, illustrator, and artist, born to a traditional family in Minsk. He studied at the Academy of Arts in Moscow (Вхутемас), where he later taught painting. Influenced by avant-garde artistic movements, he also incorporated elements of socialist realism. Many of his works dealt with traditional Jewish themes. He was a member of several Soviet artists' movements and illustrated various books in Yiddish and Russian. Axelrod exhibited in numerous exhibitions and gained recognition as one of the prominent artists among Soviet Jews.

Works in Yiddish and Compositions on Various Jewish Subjects
Works in Yiddish and Compositions on Various Jewish Subjects