Auction 48 - Rare and Important Items

Collection of Regulations and Decrees related to German Jews – 18th-19th Century

Opening: $3,000
Collection of official documents – regulations and decrees related to German Jews. Germany, 18th-19th century. German and Czech.
1. "Vorschrift wie es mit den Eides-Leistungen der Juden zu halten". Pamphlet of regulations concerning Jews taking an oath in court. [Germany (Braunschweig?), 1780s].
A document outlining various regulations concerning oaths taken by Jews. It is stated that oaths have to be taken in synagogues or in Jewish schools, in the presence of a rabbi or a Jewish scholar, not on Saturdays or Jewish Holidays. Further on appear instructions for oath taking, special regulations regarding women and the text that has to be read to the oath taker.
2-17. Sixteen "circulars" issued by the imperial government of Moravia and Silesia, 1785-1846.
Listing of regulations and laws concerning Jews: a special regulation regarding Jewish Shochatim (slaughterers), taxes imposed on Jews, regulations related to marriages, trade, real-estate and housing, and more. One document appears in two copies.
18. “Instruction für die Obrigkeitlichen Steuereinnehme”. Instructions for tax collectors, regarding special taxes imposed on Jews in Moravia. Brunn, October 1798.
19. “Reglement wegen Aufhebung der Verpflichtung der Jüdischen Gemeinden”. Regulations for Jewish congregations. Berlin, July 1801.
20. “Ihro Königliche Majestät von Sachsen…”. Legal order regarding limitations on Jewish usury. Dresden, August 1811.
Total of 20 documents; some documents consist of several pages. Approx. 32 cm. Condition varies (overall good condition).
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items