Auction 93 Part 1 - Manuscripts, Prints and Engravings, Objects and Facsimiles, from the Gross Family Collection, and Private Collections
Collection of Reference Books on Palestine, the Bible and the Jewish People – Europe, 17th–18th Centuries – Samuel Bochart, Bernard Lamy, Adriaan Reland and Others – With Many Maps and Engravings
Eleven reference books, including some early editions, on the Bible and the Jewish people (some in full and some including only select chapters). Europe, 1681–1764. Latin with some Hebrew, and other languages (one book in Dutch).
Eleven books, mostly accompanied by maps, including many maps of Eretz Israel, Jerusalem, and maps with Hebrew names of places, and engravings depicting the Tabernacle utensils, Jewish customs, and more.
1. Geographia Sacra (Holy Geography), by Samuel Bochart. Frankfurt am Main: Johannis Davidis Zunneri (printed by Balthasaris Christophori Wustii), 1681. Latin and some Hebrew, NHB.373.
2–3. Two books by Johann Nicolai: Tractatus De Siglis Veterum – study on early seals, including Hebrew seals (Leiden: Abrahamum de Swart, 1703); Libri IV De Sepulchris Hebraeorum – study on Jewish burial rites (Leiden: Henricum Teering, 1706). Latin and some Hebrew. Bound together. NHB.367.
4. Kanaan en d'omleggende Landen, vertoont in een Woordenboek uit de H. Schrift en Josephus, geographic dictionary of sites mentioned in the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, and the writings of Josephus Flavius. Leeuwarden: François Halma, 1717. Dutch. NHB.381.
5. Apparatus Biblicus, by Bernard Lamy. Comprehensive study of the Bible and the history of the Jewish People. Venice: Laurentium Basilium, 1722. Latin. NHB.361.
6. Aphorismi, In Quibus Antiquitates Veterum Hebraeorum Brevissime Exhibentur, by János Tussai. Bern: Sumptibus Illustrissimae Reipublicae Bernensis, 1726. Latin and some Hebrew. NHB.202.
7. Dictionarium historicum, criticum, chronologicum, geographicum, et literale Sacrae Scripturae [historical, critical, chronological, geographical dictionary… of the Holy Scriptures], by Augustin Calmet. Augsburg: Philippi et Martini Veith, 1729. Latin. NHB.391.
8. Apparatus Chronologicus Et Geographicus, by Bernard Lamy. Venice: Balleoniana, 1735. Latin. NHB.380.
9. Sacri Iudaeorum Ritus Antiqui, by Johann Leonhard Reckenberger. Jena: viduae Ioh. Rudolphi Croekeri, 1740. Latin and some Hebrew. NHB.355.
10. Antiquitates sacrae veterum Hebraeorum, by Adriaan Reland. Utrecht: Ioannis Broedelet, 1741. Latin and some Hebrew. NHB.364.
11. Antiquitates Hebraicae, by Conrad Iken. Bremen: Gerhardi Wilhelmi Rumpii, 1764. Latin and some Hebrew. NHB.359.
Eleven books in 10 volumes (mostly with parchment bindings or bindings with leather spines). Sizes and conditions vary. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv.