Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Collection of Publications – Art, Photography and Literature in Soviet Russia, 1920s-1940s – Covers Designed by Various Artists – Reproductions of Artworks
Opening: $300
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
A diverse collection of 12 books, booklets and leaflets, on the subjects of painting, photography, poster design, politics and culture in the Soviet Union. Moscow-Leningrad, Germany and the USA, 1927-1941. Russian, German and English.
• Советское фото [Soviet Photo], monthly magazine. Moscow: Огонёк, 1927. Second year, issue no. 10, October 1927. Cover photo by
Alexander Rodchenko (Алекса́ндр Миха́йлович Ро́дченко; 1891-1956). MoMA 716.
• Искусство октябрьской эпохи [Art of the October Epoch], by Yakov Tugendhold (Тугендхольд). Leningrad: Academia, 1930. Russian. Cover designed by
Dmitry Mitrokhin (Дмитрий Исидорович Митрохин; 1883-1973). MoMA 886.
• Искусство рабочих [Workers' Art], by the Art Department of the State Russian Museum in Leningrad. Leningrad: Издание Государственного Русского Музея, 1928. Russian. Cover designed by
Moses Brodsky (Моисей Соломонович Бродский; 1896-1944).
• Проблемы искусствоведения... [Problems in Art Criticism...], by Vladimir Friche (Фриче). Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1930. Russian. Constructivist cover.
• За большевистский плакат [On the Bolshevik Poster], by the Institute of Literature and Art. Moscow-Leningrad: Огиз – Изогиз, 1932. Russian. With reproductions of various Soviet posters.
• Книга и революция [Book and Revolution], journal of politics, culture, criticism and bibliography, issue no. 23, edited by Platon Kerzhentsev (Плато́н Миха́йлович Ке́рженцев; 1881-1940). Moscow: Госиздат, 1929. Russian.
• Neue Kunst in Russland, 1914-1919 [New Art in Russia, 1914-1919], early monograph on new trends in Russian art, by Konstantin Umansky, with introduction by Dr. Leopold Zahn. Potsdam: Gustav Kiepenheuer / Munich: Hans Goltz, 1920. German.
Accompanied by 54 reproductions of artworks (including works by Chagall, Archipenko, Kandinsky, Goncharova, Von Jawlensky, Burliuk, Dobuzhinsky, Lentulov, Masyutin, Rozanova, and others).
• Граждане Соединенных Штатов Америки и других стран о Советском Союзе... [Citizens of the United States of America and Other Countries on the Soviet Union...]. [Moscow]: Госполитиздат, 1941. Russian.
Enclosed: Four leaflets and advertising posters (in English) of the Soviet pavilion at the 1939 New York World's Fair.
Size and condition vary.
Art: Monographs and Albums (Reproductions, Drawings and Prints)
Art: Monographs and Albums (Reproductions, Drawings and Prints)