Auction 15 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Photographs – Catalogue of Items from the 1960s-70s

Opening: $250
Three-hundred and fifteen (315) photographs of art and craft items and objects. Tel Aviv, 1960s-70s.
Photographs of various art and craft items, glasses, bowls, jugs, vases, ashtrays, pendants, candle sticks, Hanukkah lamps and more, in different styles and designs. Two ink-stamps appear on one of the photographs: "Studio A. Bronner, Tel Aviv", "Chen Moshe Manufacturer of Decorative Items and Gifts, Tel Aviv". The majority of the photographs with serial numbers. Probably intended for a catalogue for the above-mentioned manufacturer. Sizes and conditions vary. In generally good condition.
Israel, 1960s-70s-80s culture
Israel, 1960s-70s-80s culture