Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Collection of Letters and Documents on Rescue During the Holocaust – 1940-1948 – Aid Packages to Novardok Yeshiva Students Deported to Siberia – Rabbi Meir Karelitz, Rabbi Bentzion Bruk, Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Shedrovitzky

Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,875
Including buyer's premium

Over 20 letters and documents on the rescue of rabbis during the Holocaust period and on sending aid packages to students of the Novardok yeshiva in Siberia. Eretz Israel, [1942-1948].
• Letter from R. Meir Karelitz (elder brother of the Chazon Ish) on rescue of R. Yosef Berkowitz (author of Chelkat Yosef, dean of the Maharsha yeshiva in Ostroh). Jerusalem, Av [1940].
• Letter from R. Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky, Rabbi of Krynki (on stationery of the Committee for Assistance to Rabbis and Yeshiva Students in Russia, Poland and Other Liberated Lands), on sending matzah packages. Jerusalem, 1945.
• Three letters from R. Shmuel Aharon Shedrovitzky, the Rabbi of Bialystok-Tel Aviv, to R. Bentzion Bruk, on rescue and sending aid packages to yeshiva students deported to Siberia. Tel Aviv, 1943-1944.
• Two letters to R. Bentzion Bruk, on rescue and sending of aid packages to yeshiva students – letter of the Committee for Rescuing Rabbis and Yeshiva Students (Jerusalem, 1943) and letter of the She'erit Yisrael yeshiva (Kfar Ata, 1943).
• Three letters from R. Eliezer Bentzion Bruk, dean of the Novardok yeshiva in Jerusalem, to R. Yitzchak Eizik HaLevi Hertzog and R. Yechiel Michel Kosovsky, Rabbi of Johannesburg – on rescue of R. Yisrael Movshovitz, mashgiach of the Novardok-Bialystok yeshiva, and R. Yitzchak Orlansky, lecturer in the Novardok yeshiva in Kovel; and on sending aid packages to Novardok-Bialystok yeshiva deported to Siberia with R. Yisrael Movshovitz and R. Yehudah Leib Nekritz. Jerusalem, 1942-1943.
• Four leaves (typewritten with handwritten additions) with a list of rabbis and students receiving aid packages and their locations, and a separate list of recipients of shoes, sweaters and medicine (Jerusalem, ca. 1944).
• Ten receipts received by R. Bentzion Bruk from the Committee for Assistance to Rabbis and Yeshiva Students in Russia, for sending aid packages with matzah for the yeshiva students (with their addresses in Kazakstan and the Caucasus). Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, Shevat 1945.
• Letter of the Jewish Agency's Search Bureau for Missing Relatives, sent to R. Bentzion Bruk, regarding a message received on his behalf from R. Daniel Engelberg residing in Italy (Jerusalem, 1948).

[26] leaves. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.

Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah – Letters, Books and Printed Items
Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah – Letters, Books and Printed Items