Online Auction 012 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Leaves and Publications Issued by Etzel

Opening: $300
Collection of single leaves and various publications issued by Etzel (Irgun Zevai Leumi):
1-13. Thirteen issues of "Herut", Etzel newpaper. 1945-1948. One issue appears in two copies.
14-23. Ten internal memorandums and propaganda broadsides concerning different Etzel operations and the struggle of the Jewish Yishuv against the British, including a leaf in English and a leaf in French revealing the "truth about King David Hotel".
24. Transcript of a broadcast by "Kol Zion HaLochemet", the underground radio station of Etzel, dated 17.8.1947, condemning the Haganah actions claiming that their aim is to disregard the real enemy - the British.
Size and condition vary. Ink-stamps.
The British Mandate and Underground Movements, The State of Israel
The British Mandate and Underground Movements, The State of Israel