Collection of Illustrated Yiddish Children's Books – USSR, 1930s

Opening: $400
Six illustrated children's books printed in the USSR. Moscow and Odessa, 1935-1940. Yiddish. Some of them are illustrated by V. I. Tarasova.
1. Der Tseylungen Vegn Chies, by L. N. Tolstoy [Leo Tolstoy]. Yiddish translation by "Der Nister" [Pinchus Kahanovich]. Odessa: "Kinder farlag fun USSR", 1935.
2. Slavik un Garik, by Ezra Feininberg. Moscow: "Emes", 1937.
3. Di Bin un der Hen, by Dvoyre Khorol. Moscow: "Emes", 1937.
4. Odlerl un Shoymele, by Rachel Braches. Moscow: "Emes", 1939.
5. Der Komar, by Dvoyre Khorol. Moscow: "Emes", 1937.
6. Papanintses, by Dvoyre Khorol. Moscow: "Der Emes", 1940.
Four of them are not in NLI.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.
Children's Books
Children's Books