Auction 69 - Part I -Rare and Important Items
Collection of Handwritten and Printed Documents – Documentation of The Vienna Israelite Community (IKG) from Its Early Days in 1894 – Broadsides for the First Elections to the Community Council, Documents Related to Jewish Educational Institutions, Li
Opening: $6,000
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
Sold for: $7,500
Including buyer's premium
An interesting collection of approximately 50 documents, handwritten and printed, documenting the history of the body representing the Jewish residents of Vienna – the Vienna Israelite Community (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien) since its early days. The collection contains broadsides documenting the election procedure for the community council, starting with the first elections in April 1849; correspondence between the Jewish community and the Vienna Municipality concerning the establishment of a Jewish school; a document calling to establish a Rabbinical seminary in Vienna; booklets and documents listing names of community members and their representatives; and additional paper items. Many of the items are signed (in print or by hand) by the leaders of the community and senior officials of the Austrian government. Vienna, 1849 to the late 19th century (some earlier documents). German.
In 1782, Emperor Joseph II published the Edict of Tolerance, considered the harbinger of the emancipation of the Jews of Europe. The edict granted the Jews important rights in the fields of commerce and social life, yet left the restrictions on the establishment of synagogues, educational institutions and the forming of an independent community. Seventy years later, following the wave of national revolutions in Europe (the Spring of Nations), it was decided to remove the restrictions on the Jews. In 1849, the Jews of Vienna were permitted to found a community and elect representatives to manage its institutions. In a speech delivered in April of that year, Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph used for the first time the expression "Israelite Community of Vienna". The community regulations were determined in 1852 (considered the IKG official year of foundation) and in 1867, the last civil restrictions on the Jews of Austria were lifted.
This collection contains:
Broadsides and additional publications related to the elections to the council of the Vienna Israelite Community, starting with the first elections held in April 1849. Including:
• An die israelitischen Einwohner Wiens [To the Jewish residents of Vienna], announcement towards the first elections for the Jewish community council, signed (in print) by the twelve representatives who were temporarily appointed by the authorities to represent the Viennese Jews. Hirschfeld press, March 1849.
• An die israelitischen Einwohner Wiens, die bisher an der Vertreterwahl Theil genommen haben [to the Jewish residents of Vienna who took part in the elections for the representatives of the community]. A document (printed leaf, folded in half) which contains information about the authority vested in the council of the Jewish community and a list of the nominees towards the first elections for community council. Hirschfeld press, April 9, 1849.
• A ballot from the first elections for the Jewish community council, held on April 30, 1849: a printed form, with twelve names filled-in by hand.
• Kundmachung – An die israelitische Gemeinde in Wien! [Announcement to the members of the community in Vienna!], a broadside containing a list of the twelve representative who won the elections for the community council. U. Klopf Senior und A. Eurich press, July 1849.
• Tabelle der für die Jahre 1853 bis 1861 stattgehabten Vorstandswahlen in der israel. Cultusgemeinde Wien [Table for the elections that were held for the Jewish community council in Vienna, 1853-1861], handwritten document – a table with the names of the representatives and the various position for which they were elected. November 1862.
• Additional broadsides and publications, printed and handwritten, related to the administration of the Jewish community of Vienna until 1868.
Booklets and documents dealing with the civic status of the Jews of Austria and the authority of the council of the Vienna Israelite Community . Including:
• Die Regelung der Staatsbürgerlichen Stellung der Juden in Oesterreich [Regulation of the civic status of the Jews of Austria], an eight-page document examining the legal civic status of the Jews of Austria. Aler. Eurich press, [Vienna, 1859].
• Bericht des zur Revision der prov. Statuten der Wiener israelitischen Cultusgemeinde eingesetzten Ausschusses [Report of the committee set up to revise the provisional statutes of the Vienna Israelite Community], a printed booklet, signed in print by Josef von Wertheimer, president of the Jewish community of Vienna between 1864 and 1867. Bendiner & Schlosberg press, [ca. mid-1860s].
• Statut der israelitischen Kultus-Gemeinde in Wien [Statute of the Vienna Israelite Community], printed document defining, in 30 clauses, the authorities vested to the members and representatives of the Jewish community of Vienna. Aler. Eurich press, 1867.
• Landes-Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für das Erzogthum Österreich unter der Enns [Laws and regulations in the Archduchy of Lower Austria…], official booklet containing several regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Austria defining the conditions for the appointment of rabbis in the Archduchy of Lower Austria. Governmental press (K.K. Hof- und Staatsbuchdruckerei), 1892.
Letters, documents and additional items dealing with education, the rabbinical seminary in Vienna and other educational institutions of the Vienna Israelite Community. Including:
• Correspondence between the Vienna Municipality and the Jewish community, about the establishment of a Jewish elementary school in the city (1854-1856): three letters by the municipality, demanding the opening of a Jewish school in the town, and two letters in response by the community (one to the municipality and the second to the Minister of Education), requesting to dismiss the requirement, claiming that the school will lead to the distancing of Jews from Christians. The final letter rejects the Jews' petition and orders the opening of the school.
• Hohes K. K. Ministerium für Cultus und Unterricht! [Ministry of Education and Culture of the Habsburg Empire!], a document issued by the Jewish communities in Vienna, Prague and Lemberg, calling to establish a rabbinical seminary in Vienna (Israelitisch-Theologische Lehranstalt), signed by hand by the representatives of the communities. [Vienna?, ca. late 19th century].
Accompanied by a (nine-page) historical review of the efforts made by the communities over more than a century in order to receive the necessary permits to establish the seminary.
• Österreichisches pädagogisches Wochenblatt zur Beförderung des Erziehungs- und Volksschulwesen [Austrian educational weekly for the promotion of education and study in public schools].
Six issues of a journal (published twice a week between 1842 and 1865) containing articles regarding Jewish education. Issues 57-59. Vienna: A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn, July 1857.
Handwritten and printed booklets – lists of the members of the Vienna Israelite Community and its representatives. Including:
• A handwritten booklet with a detailed documentation of the various position-holders in the Vienna Israelite Community between 1805 and 1867.
• Register der Bethplaetze [Register of synagogue seats], a handwritten booklet registering approximately 550 members of the Vienna Israelite Community according to their assigned seats in the various wings of the synagogue and the amount donated for each seat between 1856 and 1857.
• Verzeichnis der mitglieder der israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in Wien [List of the members of the Vienna Israelite Community]. A printed booklet containing a list of approximately two thousand members of the Vienna Israelite Community (men), noting the profession and occupation of each of the members. Vienna: Jacob Schloßberg, 1868.
Additional documents, mostly handwritten, related to the Vienna Israelite Community.
A total of approx. 50 documents. Size and condition vary.
In 1782, Emperor Joseph II published the Edict of Tolerance, considered the harbinger of the emancipation of the Jews of Europe. The edict granted the Jews important rights in the fields of commerce and social life, yet left the restrictions on the establishment of synagogues, educational institutions and the forming of an independent community. Seventy years later, following the wave of national revolutions in Europe (the Spring of Nations), it was decided to remove the restrictions on the Jews. In 1849, the Jews of Vienna were permitted to found a community and elect representatives to manage its institutions. In a speech delivered in April of that year, Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph used for the first time the expression "Israelite Community of Vienna". The community regulations were determined in 1852 (considered the IKG official year of foundation) and in 1867, the last civil restrictions on the Jews of Austria were lifted.
This collection contains:
Broadsides and additional publications related to the elections to the council of the Vienna Israelite Community, starting with the first elections held in April 1849. Including:
• An die israelitischen Einwohner Wiens [To the Jewish residents of Vienna], announcement towards the first elections for the Jewish community council, signed (in print) by the twelve representatives who were temporarily appointed by the authorities to represent the Viennese Jews. Hirschfeld press, March 1849.
• An die israelitischen Einwohner Wiens, die bisher an der Vertreterwahl Theil genommen haben [to the Jewish residents of Vienna who took part in the elections for the representatives of the community]. A document (printed leaf, folded in half) which contains information about the authority vested in the council of the Jewish community and a list of the nominees towards the first elections for community council. Hirschfeld press, April 9, 1849.
• A ballot from the first elections for the Jewish community council, held on April 30, 1849: a printed form, with twelve names filled-in by hand.
• Kundmachung – An die israelitische Gemeinde in Wien! [Announcement to the members of the community in Vienna!], a broadside containing a list of the twelve representative who won the elections for the community council. U. Klopf Senior und A. Eurich press, July 1849.
• Tabelle der für die Jahre 1853 bis 1861 stattgehabten Vorstandswahlen in der israel. Cultusgemeinde Wien [Table for the elections that were held for the Jewish community council in Vienna, 1853-1861], handwritten document – a table with the names of the representatives and the various position for which they were elected. November 1862.
• Additional broadsides and publications, printed and handwritten, related to the administration of the Jewish community of Vienna until 1868.
Booklets and documents dealing with the civic status of the Jews of Austria and the authority of the council of the Vienna Israelite Community . Including:
• Die Regelung der Staatsbürgerlichen Stellung der Juden in Oesterreich [Regulation of the civic status of the Jews of Austria], an eight-page document examining the legal civic status of the Jews of Austria. Aler. Eurich press, [Vienna, 1859].
• Bericht des zur Revision der prov. Statuten der Wiener israelitischen Cultusgemeinde eingesetzten Ausschusses [Report of the committee set up to revise the provisional statutes of the Vienna Israelite Community], a printed booklet, signed in print by Josef von Wertheimer, president of the Jewish community of Vienna between 1864 and 1867. Bendiner & Schlosberg press, [ca. mid-1860s].
• Statut der israelitischen Kultus-Gemeinde in Wien [Statute of the Vienna Israelite Community], printed document defining, in 30 clauses, the authorities vested to the members and representatives of the Jewish community of Vienna. Aler. Eurich press, 1867.
• Landes-Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt für das Erzogthum Österreich unter der Enns [Laws and regulations in the Archduchy of Lower Austria…], official booklet containing several regulations issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Austria defining the conditions for the appointment of rabbis in the Archduchy of Lower Austria. Governmental press (K.K. Hof- und Staatsbuchdruckerei), 1892.
Letters, documents and additional items dealing with education, the rabbinical seminary in Vienna and other educational institutions of the Vienna Israelite Community. Including:
• Correspondence between the Vienna Municipality and the Jewish community, about the establishment of a Jewish elementary school in the city (1854-1856): three letters by the municipality, demanding the opening of a Jewish school in the town, and two letters in response by the community (one to the municipality and the second to the Minister of Education), requesting to dismiss the requirement, claiming that the school will lead to the distancing of Jews from Christians. The final letter rejects the Jews' petition and orders the opening of the school.
• Hohes K. K. Ministerium für Cultus und Unterricht! [Ministry of Education and Culture of the Habsburg Empire!], a document issued by the Jewish communities in Vienna, Prague and Lemberg, calling to establish a rabbinical seminary in Vienna (Israelitisch-Theologische Lehranstalt), signed by hand by the representatives of the communities. [Vienna?, ca. late 19th century].
Accompanied by a (nine-page) historical review of the efforts made by the communities over more than a century in order to receive the necessary permits to establish the seminary.
• Österreichisches pädagogisches Wochenblatt zur Beförderung des Erziehungs- und Volksschulwesen [Austrian educational weekly for the promotion of education and study in public schools].
Six issues of a journal (published twice a week between 1842 and 1865) containing articles regarding Jewish education. Issues 57-59. Vienna: A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn, July 1857.
Handwritten and printed booklets – lists of the members of the Vienna Israelite Community and its representatives. Including:
• A handwritten booklet with a detailed documentation of the various position-holders in the Vienna Israelite Community between 1805 and 1867.
• Register der Bethplaetze [Register of synagogue seats], a handwritten booklet registering approximately 550 members of the Vienna Israelite Community according to their assigned seats in the various wings of the synagogue and the amount donated for each seat between 1856 and 1857.
• Verzeichnis der mitglieder der israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in Wien [List of the members of the Vienna Israelite Community]. A printed booklet containing a list of approximately two thousand members of the Vienna Israelite Community (men), noting the profession and occupation of each of the members. Vienna: Jacob Schloßberg, 1868.
Additional documents, mostly handwritten, related to the Vienna Israelite Community.
A total of approx. 50 documents. Size and condition vary.
Jewish Communities and European Monarchs
Jewish Communities and European Monarchs