Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

Collection of Calendars

Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Varied collection of calendars, including 25 single calendars from Jerusalem, Vilna, Algeria, Italy, Germany, Austria (Vienna), Romania and Egypt (8), end of 19th through second half of 20th centuries. Also enclosed: volume with 18 consecutive calendars from Iasi, Romania from 1894-1911. On the calendar from 1899 there is a picture of Dreifus.
Varying sizes. Most of the single calendars are in good through very good condition. Some of the calendars from Iasi have missing title pages, or detached and torn leaves.
Calendars, Periodicals and Facsimiles
Calendars, Periodicals and Facsimiles