Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Collection of Books of the Haflaah and His Son the Machaneh Levi – First Editions

Opening: $500
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
Five books of the Haflaah, R. Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main (disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch) and his son R. Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz, Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main:
• Sefer Ketubah, Part I of Haflaah, halachic and aggadic novellae on Tractate Ketubot. Offenbach am Main: Tzvi Hirsch Segal Spitz of Pressburg, [1787].
• Sefer HaMiknah, Part II of Haflaah, halachic and aggadic novellae on Tractate Kidushin. Offenbach: Tzvi Hirsch Segal Spitz of Pressburg, 1801. First edition, printed in lifetime of the author. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. Bound with: Machaneh Levi, Part I, by R. Tzvi Hirsch HaLevi Horowitz. Offenbach: Tzvi Hirsch Pressburg Segal and his son Avraham, [1801]. First edition, printed in the author's lifetime.
• Netivot Lashavet, novellae on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer by R. Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, the Haflaah. Lviv (Lemberg): Yehudah Leib Balaban, 1837. First edition. Stamp of R. "Moshe Eberstark, Rabbi of Bilyi Kamin". Rabbi Moshe Eberstark of Bilyi Kamin (1858-1915), disciple of R. Naftali Goldberg, author of Beit Levi, and son-in-law of R. Efraim of Łańcut.
• Lachmei Todah, Part II of Machaneh Levi, halachic and aggadic novellae. Offenbach: Avraham Spitz Segal, [1816]. First edition, printed in author's lifetime. Missing leaves 187-188 (in their place leaves 183-184 are bound for a second time).
R. Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, author of the Haflaah (1731-1805), served as Rabbi of Vytkiv and Lyakhavichy, during which time he was a close disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch, studying under his tutelage together with his brother R. Shmelke of Nikolsburg. In 1772 he immigrated to Germany where he began to serve as Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main, a position he held for over 33 years. He taught many students in his yeshiva, the most famous of whom was his close disciple, the Chatam Sofer.
His son, the Machaneh Levi, R. Tzvi Hirsch HaLevi Horowitz (ca. 1746-1817), Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main, succeeding his father R. Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, the Haflaah. Famous both in his generation and afterwards for his sharp acumen (even generations later, when a Torah scholar would deliver a deep, straightforward and sharp pilpul, he would be compared to the Machaneh Levi). He corresponded with leading Torah scholars of his generation, including R. Akiva Eiger and his brother-in-law R. Tzvi Yehoshua HaLevi Horowitz, Rabbi of Tarnów. His sons and descendants became leading Torah scholars, including R. Yoel of Brody and R. Yaakov Yehoshua, son-in-law of R. Efraim Zalman Margaliot of Brody.
5 books in 4 volumes. Varying size and condition. New bindings.
Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books
Chassidic and Kabbalistic Books