Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Ceremony and Prayer Honoring Thomas Masaryk – Jerusalem, 1930

Opening: $120
"Placard for the Shomrei Ha-Chomot Kollel members, who are also citizens of the Czech Republic". Jerusalem, “Moryah” print, [winter 1930].
“…For the celebration of the Czech Republic President – his honor Professor Thomas Masaryk’s - 80th birthday, there will be a ceremony and a prayer… for his safety and the safety of the country… Rabbi Yosef Zonenfeld will deliver a speech to honor the occasion”.
Mavaryk’s name was partially printed in golden ink.
Thomas Masaryk (1850-1937) – Czech philosopher and political figure, was friendly with the Jewish People. As president of the Czech Republic, he was opposed to anti-Semitism in his country, gave the Jews full equality of rights .
47.5 X 62.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears and wrinkles. Folded.
Single leaves and proclamations
Single leaves and proclamations