Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art
Letter from R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch. Otwock, 24th Sivan 1939.
Typewritten on the Rebbe Rayatz's official stationery, with his signature – "Yosef Yitzchak".
Sent to R. Yechezkel Abramsky, who had sent his book Chazon Yechezkel to the library established by the Rebbe Rayatz after his departure from Soviet Russia. The Rebbe thanks him for sending Chazon Yechezkel on Tractate Chulin, and he offers his thanks in advance if R. Abramsky would send him his other books.
The recipient, R. Yechezkel Abramsky, author of Chazon Yechezkel (1886-1976), head of the Beit Din of London and a prominent Torah leader in Eretz Israel. President of the Council of Yeshivas, a director of the Chinuch Atzma'i system, member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah and a dean of the Slabodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak. In Soviet Russia he served as Rabbi of Slutsk and (with the assistance of the Rebbe Rashab) of Smolyan, and was imprisoned for his activities in support of Judaism.
After leaving Russia he arrived in England, where he was appointed rabbi and head of the Beit Din of London, until his retirement and immigration to Eretz Israel in 1951. Throughout that period he was in close relations and cooperation with the Rebbe Rayatz, and later with the Lubavitcher Rebbe in public affairs. After his immigration to Eretz Israel, he came together with his friend HaGrashi Zevin to deliver a lecture at the Chabad yeshiva "Tomchei Temimim" in the city of Lod (see: Melech BeYofyo, Jerusalem, 2004, p. 670; according to the newspaper HaModia, Jerusalem, 16 Elul 1951).
[1] leaf, official stationery. 28.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Light stains.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Shanah Tovah letter from R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch. Brooklyn, New York, Erev Rosh Hashanah 1945.
Typewritten on the official stationery of the Rebbe Rayatz, with his signature, "Yosef Yitzchak".
Sent to his relative R. Azriel Zelig Slonim in Jerusalem. The Rebbe blesses him: "Approaching the new year… I bless you and your household… with a Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah for a good and sweet year, physically and spiritually, and complete redemption".
The recipient, R. Azriel Zelig Slonim (1897-1972), a leading Chabad activist, member of Agudas Chassidei Chabad and director of Kollel Chabad. A founder of Lubavitch Women's Organization and the Beit Chanah institution, and a founder of Shikun Chabad in Jerusalem.
[1] leaf, official stationery (thin paper). Approx. 13x14 cm. Good condition. Filing holes (torn). Folding marks and creases. Light stains.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, 5th Sivan 1963.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature – "M.Schneerson".
A "public-private" letter (an identical letter sent to several individuals) for Shavuot. The Rebbe writes: "For the upcoming Festival of Shavuot, the time of the receiving of our Torah… I hereby express my wish in the words of the Rabbi, my father-in-law the Rebbe [Rayatz]… to receive the Torah joyfully and internally".
At the end of the letter, the Rebbe adds in his handwriting: "Respectfully and [with the holiday blessing]".
[1] leaf, official stationery (thin paper). 21.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, Chanukah 1965.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature – "M.Schneerson".
A "public-private" letter (an identical letter sent to several individuals) sent to R. Shalom Moshe Nemirovsky in Jerusalem, for Chanukah. The Rebbe confirms receipt of his letter, and offers his wishes for positive updates regarding it, adding that Chanukah is "a time of miracles and salvations both physical and spiritual, holidays with praise and thanksgiving".
At the end of the letter, the Rebbe adds in his handwriting: "[With blessing] for a recovery".
[1] leaf, official stationery. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
"Public-private" letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, 11th Nisan, 1972.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature; and with additions and corrections in his handwriting.
A "public-private" letter (an identical letter sent to several individuals), addressed to R. Yechezkel Abramsky, author of Chazon Yechezkel. The Rebbe blesses him for Pesach with a kosher and happy holiday and "true freedom, freedom from worries both physical and spiritual – from everything that prevents happy and joyful service of G-d; and to draw from this freedom all the days of the year…".
At the top of the letter, next to the honorifics, the Rebbe adds in his handwriting the words "performer of many deeds"; at the end of the letter the Rebbe adds in his handwriting "respectfully and [with the holiday blessing]".
On the margins of the letter, the Rebbe thanks and blesses R. Abramsky for his blessing sent for his birthday on 11th Nisan.
The recipient, R. Yechezkel Abramsky, author of Chazon Yechezkel (1886-1976), head of the Beit Din of London and a prominent Torah leader in Eretz Israel. President of the Council of Yeshivas, a director of the Chinuch Atzma'i system, member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah and a dean of the Slabodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak. In Soviet Russia he served as Rabbi of Slutsk and (with the assistance of the Rebbe Rashab) of Smolyan, and was imprisoned for his activities in support of Judaism.
After leaving Russia he arrived in England, where he was appointed rabbi and head of the Beit Din of London, until his retirement and immigration to Eretz Israel in 1951. Throughout that period he was in close relations and cooperation with the Rebbe Rayatz, and later with the Lubavitcher Rebbe in public affairs.After his immigration to Eretz Israel, he came together with his friend HaGrashi Zevin to deliver a lecture at the Chabad yeshiva "Tomchei Temimim" in the city of Lod (see: Melech BeYofyo, Jerusalem, 2004, p. 670; according to the newspaper HaModia, Jerusalem, 16 Elul 1951).
[1] leaf, official stationery. 28 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter of blessings from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, 19th Tamuz 1978.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature.
Sent to the philanthropist R. David Zimand of Brussels, regarding his proposal to build a gym in the Beit Rivkah seminary in Kfar Chabad. In his letter, the Rebbe expresses his immense gratitude for the donation and stresses its importance for the girls' education, blesses him with many special blessings, and expresses his hope for the establishment of the gym.
[See further in R. Efraim Wolf's letter to the Rebbe dated 8th Tamuz 1978, detailing his meeting with the philanthropist who was interested in contributing to the Beit Rivkah gym and asking for the Rebbe's approval (Yemei Temimim, VII, p. 253)].
The present letter was printed in Igrot Kodesh (XXXIII, letter 12565).
[1] leaf, official stationery. Approx. 27 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Placed in fine wooden frame (along with a printed card with pictures of Chabad-Lubavitch rebbes). The letter has not been examined outside of the frame.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, 20th Kislev 1980.
Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature – "M.Schneerson"; with added words and corrections in his handwriting.
Sent to his relative ("my mechutan") R. Chaim Shalom HaLevi Segal in Jerusalem. The Rebbe mentions that it is a Hakhel year and adds that the pidyon sent would be read at the previous Rebbe's gravesite.
At the end of the blessing, the Rebbe adds a blessing for his birthday: "With blessing – regarding the birthday – for a year of success, physical and spiritual".
The recipient, R. Chaim Shalom HaLevi Segal (1918-1983), sixth generation from the Baal HaTanya. Founder and mashpia at the Chabad synagogue Beit Yehudah in the Mazkeret Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem, and lecturer in the Etz Chaim yeshiva. He studied Rashi's commentary on the Torah for decades, and published his works Tosefet Rashi on the Tanach, Munachei Rashi and Yitron HaOr. On his visit to the Rebbe's court on Shmini Atzeret 1970, he was appointed the delegate from Israel as part of the "Chassidic United Nations".
[1] leaf. Official stationery. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter by R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, NY, 25 Tamuz 1984. With official envelope in which the letter was sent, Hanukkah gelt and other items.
The letter is typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery and bears his own signature "M. Schneerson".
Sent to R. Shaul Ohaly Rikhaus in Tel Aviv. The letter contains guidance for living according to Torah values.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 21.5 cm. Envelope: 16.5X9.5 cm. Good condition.
Enclosed: • Two sets of Hanukkah gelt from the Rebbe which were distributed in Israel by Chabad youth in 1884. The coins total ILS 100 and are packed in their original plastic jackets with a colored leaf bearing a printed portrait of the rebbe. • Letter to the Lubavitcher Rebbe by R. Shaul Ohaly Rikhaus, with his request for the rebbe's blessing for good health (4 Iyar 1984). • Thank-you letter for a donation and official receipt received by R. Shaul Ohaly Rikhaus by the chief emissary to Tel Aviv, R. Yosef Garlitzky (9 Nisan 1984).
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter from Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn – the Rayatz of Lubavitch. Brooklyn NY, 1st day of Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan 1942.
Typewritten on the official stationery of Rebbe Rayatz, and signed by his secretary R. Chaim Lieberman "in the name of the rebbe".
[1] leaf, official stationery. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Creases and folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn – the Lubavitcher Rebbe, with his signature. Brooklyn NY, Elul 1963. "Selichot days… one hundred and fifty years since the passing of the Baal HaTanya".
Typewritten on the rebbe's official stationery, with his handwritten signature and the addition of the blessing "Hatzlacha" (success) in his handwriting.
Addressed to R. Nissan Mindel, his secretary for over forty years. Blessings for upcoming new year.
[1] leaf, official stationery. Approx. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
One-shekel bill received from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn – the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 6th Shevat 1990.
Inscribed: "From the rebbe, in an audience of Wednesday night, 6th Shevat 1990, on the eve of my visit to the Holy Land", signed: "N.M." [Nissan Mindel].
Approx. 13.5X7.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Minor marginal tears and wear.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Ten-shekel bill received from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn – the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 6th Sivan 1987.
Inscribed: "From the rebbe, on the eve of my visit to the Holy Land. Motzaei Shabbat Parashat Nasso, 6th Sivan, 1987", signed: "N.M." [Nissan Mindel].
Approx. 13.5X7.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Minor marginal tears and wear.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.