Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art
Sefer HaIkarim by R. Yosef Albo, principles of Jewish faith. Rimini (Italy): [Jeronimo (Gershom son of Moshe) Soncino], 1522.
Copy missing title page and other leaves. Title page supplied by hand, in Sephardic-Italian script (ca. 18th/19th century) by an unidentified writer. On margins, glosses by the same writer, including lengthy glosses with critiques and explanations of the topics discussed in the book. Additional inscriptions by the same writer (mostly in Italian) on front endpaper.
[150] leaves. Missing first three leaves (including title page) and penultimate leaf (with colophon; this leaf was mostly supplied by hand, apart from the colophon). 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains. First leaf of volume, with illustrated woodcut, trimmed on margins, bordering text, slightly affecting text on verso. Some tears and open tears, and light worming, slightly affecting text, partially repaired with paper. Inscriptions deleted with ink on first leaf. Early parchment binding, damaged (spine mostly detached).
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Hilchot Rav Alfas, with commentaries and the Tosefta, a three-parts set. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1521-1522. Three parts in four volumes (two incomplete copies of the first part, partially complementing each other).
First edition of the Tosefta, printed according to the order of tractates after the Rif pages of each tractate. This order is kept in printed editions to this day.
Second complete edition of the Rif, following the first complete edition printed in Constantinople, 1509.
In the second and third parts, in the margins, numerous glosses from several writers, mostly in Italian script (many of them trimmed). These glosses are characteristic of the use of the Rif in Italy, following the decree against Jewish books, which began with the burning of the Talmud in Rome on Rosh Hashanah 1553.
During those years, the study and printing of the Talmud were prohibited, but the books of the Rif were allowed for use. As a result, the main focus of study of Italian scholars during those years was in the Rif books, on which they tried to reconstruct the words of the Talmudic sages, based on the books of the Rishonim and various sources.
The first book composed then on the Rif was "Shiltei Hagiborim", which was first printed in the present edition. However, many books by Italian scholars were composed during that period on the margins of the Rif pages (on the decree against sacred Jewish books in Italy, see at length: Mavo L'Chiddushei R. Moshe Kazis, Machon Yerushalayim, 1888; E. Ya'ari, Burning of the Talmud in Italy; M. Benayahu, The Hebrew Printing Press in Cremona).
On the last page of the first copy of the first part, signature of the censor Antonio Francesco Enriques d'urbino, from 1687, and signature of the censor Pietro Martire (undated).
On the last page of the second part, signature of the censor Giovanni Domenico Vistorini from 1609. On the verso, signature of the censor Hippolitus Ferrarensis, from 1601. In this part, on leaf 592b, ownership inscription of "Eliezer Enten of Bodrogkeresztúr. On the last page, several signatures and ownership inscriptions: "R. Shlomo of Gam...[?]", "Avraham Katz Roth, student of…. R. Shmuel Ehrenfeld", "Belongs to the Chevra of Bachurim of the holy community of Margareten… the fifth district of Vienna". In the second copy of the first part, a bookplate of the collector and researcher Elkan Nathan Adler. Ownership signatures in the same volume: "…Yosef Mordechai...", and more.
Censorship expurgations in various places in ink and by scraping of ink.
Four volumes, including two incomplete copies of the first part, partially complementing each other. First part (first copy): 2-5, 7-34, 36-98, [187]-224, 226-230, 232-247, 249-398 leaves. Missing title page and leaves 6, 35, 99-186, 225, 231, 248, 399. Detached leaves 11-16 included (leaves 11-12 damaged, with large open tears). First part (second copy): 2-229 leaves. Missing title page and leaves 230-399. Leaves 185-192 bound out of place, after leaf 200. Second part: 402-454, 456-594, 596-597, 599-759, 761-780, [1] leaves. Missing title page and leaves 455, 595, 598. Third part: 367, [369]-392 leaves. Missing leaf 368, and missing 6 final leaves, with the book "Sha'arei Shevuot". An additional copy (damaged and detached) of leaf 3 is included. Approx. 32-37 cm. Condition varies between volumes. Second and third parts in overall fair condition. First copy of the first part and some leaves in the second copy of this part in fair-poor condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of dampness (with mold marks), and dark ink stains. Large, dark and severe stains on many leaves in the first copy of the first part. Extensive wear. Many large open tears in various places (especially in both copies of the first part), with significant damage to text (in several leaves most of the leaf is missing), partially restored with paper. Many open tears to the title page of the third part, with significant damage to the title frame, restored with paper filling. Detached leaves and gatherings (in both copies of the first part many leaves are detached). Worming with damage to text, some with extensive worming. Old bindings (not uniform). One of the volumes has a particularly worn binding, without spine.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Beurim, supercommentary on Rashi's commentary on the Torah by R. Yisrael Isserlein, author of Terumat HaDeshen. Venice: Marco Antonio Giustiniani, 1544. Second edition.
On p. 19a, gloss (trimmed) in Ashkenazic script.
24 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Margins of last leaf reinforced with paper. Close trimming, affecting headers of one leaf. New leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Targum Jonathan of Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes, Cantica Canticorum & Ecclesiastes Salomonis, with Latin translation; with Ma'amar HaKina ["Lament Essay"] – a lament in Hebrew, by Erasmus Oswald Schreckenfuchs, on the death of his teacher, the scholar Sebastian Münster. Basel: Henricus Petrus, 1553.
The Aramaic text of Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes in Targum Jonathan, with facing Latin translation, page by page.
The second part of the book (with a separate title page, printed right to left) is Ma'amar HaKina, including a lament on the death of the Christian scholar Sebastian Münster in 1552, written by his student Erasmus Oswald Schreckenfuchs (1511-1575), a mathematician, astronomer and Hebraist.
On the flyleaf before the title page of Ma'amar HaKina, is a handwritten dedication by R. Jacob Koppel Dushinsky, on one of the endpapers appears the stamp of R. Dushinsky.
R. Dr. Jacob Koppel Dushinsky (1878-1954), son of Rabbi Dov Ber Dushinsky, rabbi of Námestovo (son-in-law of Rabbi Yechezkel Reich, rabbi of Bánovce nad Bebravou (Banowitz), son of R. Jacob Koppel Charif, rabbi of Vrbové, author of "Chiddushei Yaavetz"). He studied at the Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin, served as rabbi of Keszthely in western Hungary, and later moved to London. He published several articles and historical and Torah studies in "HaTzofeh LeBeit Yisrael" and other platforms.
[16], 285, [3] pages, [2] blank leaves; [52] pages. Approx. 15 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Minor wear. Open tears to four leaves (large tear to one of the leaves), affecting text, repaired with paper. Original parchment binding, with minor blemishes.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Shaar HaGemul, on faith in the world-to-come, and in the resurrection of the dead and in reward and punishment, by the Ramban, Ferrara: Avraham ibn Oshaki, 1556.
The renowned letter which the Ramban sent to his son from Jerusalem is printed on the final leaf. Colophon in the verso of final leaf (date of printing appearing on the title page is the month of Tamuz 1556, however the date of completion printed on the colophon is Tishrei 1557).
Oshaki's printer's devise appears in the center of the title page and on the colophon: a framed illustration of an astrolabe with verses from the Bible.
26 leaves. 21.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Open tears to title pages and to several more leaves, affecting the frame of the title page, repaired with paper (the frame was completed by hand). Extensive worming to title page and to most of the leaves, primarily to the inner margins of the book, affecting the frame of the title page and the text, most repaired with paper. Early parchment binding (rebound with new endpapers).
Provenance: Genazim, Auction 8, December 2020, Lot 127.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Sefer Keritot, Talmudic methodology, by R. Shimshon of Chinon. Cremona: Vincenzo Conti, 1557.
Second edition with corrections. The publisher writes on the title page that the previous edition (Constantinople, 1516) was flawed, and the current edition is corrected and emended.
Ownership inscriptions on title page, including one (deleted) in early Ashkenazic script. On p. 58a, ownership inscription in early Ashkenazic script.
Censorship inscriptions on last leaf (date of one trimmed).
73 leaves. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. New, elaborate leather binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Tehillim, with commentary by R. Ovadiah Sforno. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, 1586. First edition.
On verso of title page, poem in praise of the author by R. Shmuel Archivolti.
92 leaves. 18.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dark dampstains and wax stains. Wear. Tears and open tears, affecting text in several places, partially repaired with paper (sometimes over text). Large open tear on leaf 45 (most of leaf missing). Light worming. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Mifalot Elohim, philosophical discourses on the creation of the world and faith, by R. Yitzchak Abarbanel. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, [1592]. First edition.
The book was printed based on a manuscript belonging to R. Menachem Azariah (the Rama) of Fano, as the title page states.
At top of title page, ownership inscription in Ashkenazic script dating to the time of the book's printing (middle damaged).
96 leaves. 19.5 cm. Gilt edges. Most leaves in good condition. Stains. Small marginal tears and open tears to title page and several other leaves, slightly affecting text of one leaf. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Divrei Shlomo, homilies on the Torah portions and festivals, Part I, by R. Shlomo HaLevi of Thessaloniki. Venice: Matteo Zanetti and Comino Presegno, [1596]. Only edition.
No second part was printed.
The author, R. Shlomo HaLevi (1532-1600), disciple of Mahari Ben Lev, served as rabbi in Thessaloniki. This book is a compilation of the sermons he delivered in his community on various occasions. As the author explains in his preface, he published the homilies Vayikra first, since the Sages state that one beginning to study Torah would start with the Book of Vayikra.
Signature on title page: "I, Asriel Chai" (of Mantua; see: Simonson, History of the Jews in the Duchy of Mantua, I, p. 46, footnote 201; p. 260, footnote 137 [Hebrew]). Signature at top of p. 2a: "Chaim Gallico".
In several places, handwritten hand marks (manicules) pointing to paragraphs or lines of the text.
Censors' signatures on title page and p. 13b of last sequence.
217, 214-314; 14 leaves. 29.5 cm. Fair condition; first leaves and several other leaves in fair-poor condition. Stains, including large dampstains and traces of former dampness. Worming in many places, affecting text. Marginal tears to several leaves, partially repaired with paper. Original parchment binding, damaged, with much worming.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Two books printed in Venice in 1601-1602, bound together:
• Sefer Charedim, on the 613 mitzvot and on topics pertaining to mitzvot and repentance, by the kabbalist R. Elazar Azikri of Safed. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, 1601. First edition.
The author of Sefer Charedim, R. Elazar Azikri, was a leading rabbi and preacher in Safed in the period of the Beit Yosef and the Arizal, and author of the famous piyyut Yedid Nefesh. Studied Torah under R. Yosef Sagis and was ordained by Rabbi Yaakov Beirav. His Sefer Charedim has been published in dozens of editions [some omitting passages extant in the present first edition], and it is one of the basic ethical books, much treasured by Tzaddikim and Chassidic masters.
Ownership inscription with signature by "Yitzchak Abulafia") we were unable to identify his place in the Abulafia family). Additional inscriptions on title page of the "Beit Midrash of the Magen" [apparently Beit Yaakov run by R. Moshe Galante (the Magen)]; dedicatory inscription mentioning "Shemaiah Angel" (Shemaiah Angel, banker and important member of the Damascus community).
Ownership inscription in center of title page: "Purchased by me for the service of my Maker, Gershom Carmona[?]". Many marginal glosses in Sephardic script, some lengthy (most apparently in the same handwriting as the above signature).
Bound with:
• Likutei Shoshanim, selected comments on the Book of Yehoshua and Neviim Acharonim. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [1602]. First edition.
Published by R. David ibn Hin of Thessaloniki. Includes commentary on Yehoshua by R. Yaakov Beirav; on Yeshayahu, Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel and Hoshea, evidently by R. Meir Arama; on Yonah, Chavakuk and Zechariah by R. Ovadiah Sforno; and on Malachi by the proofreader of the book, R. Yitzchak Gershon (who also added to the commentary on Yeshayah). Also includes commentary on Trei Asar (Hoshea, Ovadiah, Yonah and Michah) by R. Shmuel Almosnino.
Ownership inscriptions and signatures on title page and leaf 2.
Two books in one volume. Sefer Charedim: 76 leaves. Missing last 6 leaves (77-81, [1]). Likutei Shoshanim: 20 leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dark stains and damp stains (particularly to second book). Wear. Tears and worming to margins of several leaves, partially repaired with paper. Loose and detached leaves and gatherings. Early leather binding, damaged and detached, without spine.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Two books printed in 1602, bound together:
• Avodat HaKodesh by the Rashba, with Baalei HaNefesh by the Raavad and Klal Yein Nesech by the Raah. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [1602]. First edition.
Owners' signatures on title page. Censor's signature on margins of title page.
Bound with:
• HaMekach VehaMimkar, by R. Hai Gaon. Venice: Zuan (Giovanni) di Gara, 1602. First edition.
Censors' signatures on pp. 3a, 97b.
Two books in one volume. Avodat HaKodesh: 75, [1] leaves. HaMekach VehaMimkar:
97, [1] leaves. 19 cm. Varying condition; first book in fair condition, second book in fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Tears. Worming, affecting text, repaired with tape. Close trimming of second book, slightly affecting bottom of title frame. Stamps. Old binding with leather spine and corners. Wear and damage to binding and spine.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Urim VeTumim, commentary on Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu by R. Meir Aramah (son of the Akedat Yitzchak). Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [1603]. First edition.
Ownership inscription on title page of "Yaakov Buzaglo" (in Hebrew); additional signature in Latin characters: "Jakob Buzaglo".
On p. 2a, autobiographical account by publisher, R. Menachem Yaakov son of R. Eliezer Yehudah of Safed.
75 leaves. Missing last leaf (with end of index). 17.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including light dampstains. Tears affecting text of several leaves, without loss. Small open tear to one leaf, slightly affecting text. Close trimming, affecting headers of leaves in several places. New binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.