Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 1 - 12 of 62
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $500
Tractatus de imposturis et ceremoniis Iudaeorum nostri temporis, Conrado Husero. Basel: Pernam, [1575]. Latin.
A Christian book presenting Jewish customs and rituals in a critical and negative light. The book, bearing the pseudonym Conrad Huser, was actually written by Marcus Lombardus.
66, [1] pp. 21 cm. Good condition. Slightly faded title page. Stains. Cardboard binding (new).
A Christian book presenting Jewish customs and rituals in a critical and negative light. The book, bearing the pseudonym Conrad Huser, was actually written by Marcus Lombardus.
66, [1] pp. 21 cm. Good condition. Slightly faded title page. Stains. Cardboard binding (new).
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $600
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Entdecktes Judenthum, oder, Gründlicher und wahrhaffter Bericht, welchergestalt die verstockte Juden ... die christliche Religion spöttisch durchziehen, und die gantze Christenheit ... verachten und verfluchen [Judaism Unmasked - a thorough and real report about the horrifying manner in which the stubborn Jews slander the Holy Trinity and disgrace it], by Johann Andreas Eisenmenger. Königsberg (Prussia), 1711. Two volumes. German. Second edition.
Eisenmenger (1654-1704) - a German orientalist and professor of Semitic languages, is considered one of the messengers of anti-Semitism in the new era. This book was named by the writer and historian Shimon Dubnov "The Encyclopedia of the Hatred of Jews". Eisenmenger mastered the Bible, Talmud and rabbinical writings and encountered Jewish sages and rabbis, in order to retrieve references against the Christian faith. For 19 years he presented himself as a person trying to approach Judaism and study its sources in order to eventually convert; in 1694 he printed the Bible in Frankfurt and was granted the approbation of Rabbi David Gruenhut who mentioned him in the introduction as an "exalted scholar". The book Entdecktes Judenthum is an extensive study written in an apparently reliable scientific manner against Judaism and its dangers to Christianity and is considered a basic book of Modern Anti-Semitism to the present day.
Volume 1: [10] leaves, 1016, [1] pp. Volume 2: [2] leaves, 1111, [1] pp. Good condition. Stains. The bindings are worn and partly detached (no spines). Several loose leaves.
Eisenmenger (1654-1704) - a German orientalist and professor of Semitic languages, is considered one of the messengers of anti-Semitism in the new era. This book was named by the writer and historian Shimon Dubnov "The Encyclopedia of the Hatred of Jews". Eisenmenger mastered the Bible, Talmud and rabbinical writings and encountered Jewish sages and rabbis, in order to retrieve references against the Christian faith. For 19 years he presented himself as a person trying to approach Judaism and study its sources in order to eventually convert; in 1694 he printed the Bible in Frankfurt and was granted the approbation of Rabbi David Gruenhut who mentioned him in the introduction as an "exalted scholar". The book Entdecktes Judenthum is an extensive study written in an apparently reliable scientific manner against Judaism and its dangers to Christianity and is considered a basic book of Modern Anti-Semitism to the present day.
Volume 1: [10] leaves, 1016, [1] pp. Volume 2: [2] leaves, 1111, [1] pp. Good condition. Stains. The bindings are worn and partly detached (no spines). Several loose leaves.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $1,500
Curieuser Nachrichten aus dem Reich der Beschnittenen, erste Unterredung, zwischen Sabathai Sevi, einem in dem vorigen Seculo in den Morgenländern höchst-berüchtigt gewesenen jüdis. Ertzbetrüger, und dem fameusen Würtenbergischen Avanturier, Jud .Joseph Süss Oppenheimer. Frankfurt and Leipzig: [No publisher indicated], 1737-8. German.
A book in three parts (out of four printed parts; with three title pages) containing a dialogue taking place in the kingdom of the dead between the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi and the Jew Süss [Joseph Susskind] Oppenheimer, a wealthy banker and financial adviser to the Duke of Württemberg, who was executed on false charges.
Includes a folded woodcut (at the end of the third part) depicting the cage in which Oppenheimer was placed in the town square and publicly displayed prior to his execution. The book's first volume was published in 1737, before Oppenheimer was executed. The next parts were published after his execution in February 1738.
Bound together with an additional book containing a dialogue that took place in the kingdom of the dead between Karl Alexander, the Duke of Württemberg and Oppenheimer's patron, and his uncle and predecessor in the role of Duke of Württemberg, Eberhard Ludwig.
80; 95; 96; 70 pp. + [1] folded plate, 20 cm. Fair condition. Worming to final two parts. Restored tears to woodcut in two places, with losses. Open tear to first title page, restored, with slight damage to text. Ancient binding, no spine.
A book in three parts (out of four printed parts; with three title pages) containing a dialogue taking place in the kingdom of the dead between the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi and the Jew Süss [Joseph Susskind] Oppenheimer, a wealthy banker and financial adviser to the Duke of Württemberg, who was executed on false charges.
Includes a folded woodcut (at the end of the third part) depicting the cage in which Oppenheimer was placed in the town square and publicly displayed prior to his execution. The book's first volume was published in 1737, before Oppenheimer was executed. The next parts were published after his execution in February 1738.
Bound together with an additional book containing a dialogue that took place in the kingdom of the dead between Karl Alexander, the Duke of Württemberg and Oppenheimer's patron, and his uncle and predecessor in the role of Duke of Württemberg, Eberhard Ludwig.
80; 95; 96; 70 pp. + [1] folded plate, 20 cm. Fair condition. Worming to final two parts. Restored tears to woodcut in two places, with losses. Open tear to first title page, restored, with slight damage to text. Ancient binding, no spine.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
A collection of books and booklets on the subject of blood libels. Germany, Vienna and Prague, ca. 1882-1920. German.
19 booklets and books on the subject of blood libels, including essays concerning blood libels and famous anti-Semitic affairs that occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as the Tiszaeszlár Blood Libel and the Beilis Affair. A detailed list will be provided upon request.
Total of 19 booklets in eight volumes. Size and condition vary.
19 booklets and books on the subject of blood libels, including essays concerning blood libels and famous anti-Semitic affairs that occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as the Tiszaeszlár Blood Libel and the Beilis Affair. A detailed list will be provided upon request.
Total of 19 booklets in eight volumes. Size and condition vary.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,188
Including buyer's premium
Entartete "Kunst" Ausstellungsführer [Degenerate "Art" exhibition guide]. Berlin: [1936 or 1937]. German. First edition.
"Degenerate Art" exhibition guide, with pictures.
The Nazi "Degenerate Art" exhibition opened in Munich in July 1937 and presented 650 paintings and sculptures by 112 artists, confiscated from museums and galleries throughout Germany. The exhibition's aim was to exhibit whatever was perceived in the eyes of the Nazi party as degenerate and pervert in modern art. The exhibition showed works by leading artists of the first half of the 20th century, including Matisse, Picasso, Munch, Chagall, Kandinsky and others. Entrance was free and over 2 million people visited the exhibition.
30, [2] pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor damage to cover.
"Degenerate Art" exhibition guide, with pictures.
The Nazi "Degenerate Art" exhibition opened in Munich in July 1937 and presented 650 paintings and sculptures by 112 artists, confiscated from museums and galleries throughout Germany. The exhibition's aim was to exhibit whatever was perceived in the eyes of the Nazi party as degenerate and pervert in modern art. The exhibition showed works by leading artists of the first half of the 20th century, including Matisse, Picasso, Munch, Chagall, Kandinsky and others. Entrance was free and over 2 million people visited the exhibition.
30, [2] pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor damage to cover.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Stürmer Sondernummer "Der Jude in Oesterreich". Poster, in especially large format. Nuremberg: Hans Lotter, [July 1938]. German.
Poster printed by the editorial board of the weekly "Der Stürmer", encouraging Austrian citizens to purchase the issue dealing with the Jews of Austria, and distribute it in every home and office: "For decades Austria has been a citadel for Jews. The citizens of Austria were forced to endure horrifying poverty, difficulty and exploitation… the special issue of 'Der Stürmer' tells of the history of the Jews in Austria, how they arrived in it, how they robbed, how they tortured the people… awful conspiracies, huge economic crimes… bring [the issue] in masses to the people, distribute it everywhere… to offices, places of business…".
The poster was printed four months after the Anschluss - the annexation of Austria to Germany, which occurred in March 1938. 178X82 cm. Good condition. Consists of two attached sheets. Folding marks and pasted tears. Framed (unexamined out of frame).
Poster printed by the editorial board of the weekly "Der Stürmer", encouraging Austrian citizens to purchase the issue dealing with the Jews of Austria, and distribute it in every home and office: "For decades Austria has been a citadel for Jews. The citizens of Austria were forced to endure horrifying poverty, difficulty and exploitation… the special issue of 'Der Stürmer' tells of the history of the Jews in Austria, how they arrived in it, how they robbed, how they tortured the people… awful conspiracies, huge economic crimes… bring [the issue] in masses to the people, distribute it everywhere… to offices, places of business…".
The poster was printed four months after the Anschluss - the annexation of Austria to Germany, which occurred in March 1938. 178X82 cm. Good condition. Consists of two attached sheets. Folding marks and pasted tears. Framed (unexamined out of frame).
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Issue of "The Star" newspaper, no. 254, CXXVI. Guernsey, an island in the English Channel, October 24, 1940. English.
On the front page of the paper appears a news item reporting that in the paper La Gazette Officielle, some new orders issued by Chief of the Military Administration in France, have been published. The orders concern steps taken against Jews, which appear in detail on pages 6-7.
Printed on page 6 of the paper are orders issued by the Fuehrer and the German army, concerning Jews: 1. Are recognized as Jews those who belong or have belonged to the Jewish religion, or who have more than two Jewish Grandparents. 2. Jews who fled from the occupied zone are forbidden to return thereto. 3. Every Jewish person must be inscribed in a special register. 4. Every business, of which the proprietor or the holder is a Jew must be indicated as "Jewish Undertaking", and some more orders, restricting the conduct of Jews living on the island.
Guernsey is an island in the English Chanel, near France. The island is a British Crown Dependency and does not belong to the United Kingdom. The island is not represented in the British Parliament however its foreign affairs and defense are managed by Britain. During WW II the Chanel Islands, including Guernsey, were under Nazi occupation. Some of the islands' inhabitants were deported to German concentration camps and a concentration camp for forced labor workers was built on Alderney island.
8 pp, 40 cm. Good condition. Fragile paper. Some tears at margins. Leaves are not bound. Pinholes at margins (from old binding).
On the front page of the paper appears a news item reporting that in the paper La Gazette Officielle, some new orders issued by Chief of the Military Administration in France, have been published. The orders concern steps taken against Jews, which appear in detail on pages 6-7.
Printed on page 6 of the paper are orders issued by the Fuehrer and the German army, concerning Jews: 1. Are recognized as Jews those who belong or have belonged to the Jewish religion, or who have more than two Jewish Grandparents. 2. Jews who fled from the occupied zone are forbidden to return thereto. 3. Every Jewish person must be inscribed in a special register. 4. Every business, of which the proprietor or the holder is a Jew must be indicated as "Jewish Undertaking", and some more orders, restricting the conduct of Jews living on the island.
Guernsey is an island in the English Chanel, near France. The island is a British Crown Dependency and does not belong to the United Kingdom. The island is not represented in the British Parliament however its foreign affairs and defense are managed by Britain. During WW II the Chanel Islands, including Guernsey, were under Nazi occupation. Some of the islands' inhabitants were deported to German concentration camps and a concentration camp for forced labor workers was built on Alderney island.
8 pp, 40 cm. Good condition. Fragile paper. Some tears at margins. Leaves are not bound. Pinholes at margins (from old binding).
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $1,600
Five anti-Israeli posters, created by F. [Fyodor] Nelyubin (Федор Нелюбин), an artist from the "Fighting Pencil" group (Боевой карандаш, Boevoi Karandash). Leningrad (St. Petersburg): Художник РСФСР (Xudozhnik RSFSR), 1972-1980. Russian.
Anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist posters, with colorful illustrations and rhyming texts in Russian.
“Boevoi Karandash” was a group of artists from Leningrad, active from 1939, that created posters and satirical illustrations on numerous topics having to do with Russian and international politics.
Approx. 57X42.5 cm. Condition varies. Creases and tears to poster margins.
Anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist posters, with colorful illustrations and rhyming texts in Russian.
“Boevoi Karandash” was a group of artists from Leningrad, active from 1939, that created posters and satirical illustrations on numerous topics having to do with Russian and international politics.
Approx. 57X42.5 cm. Condition varies. Creases and tears to poster margins.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
Gründliche Ausrottung ["Thorough Extermination"], original illustration by Thomas Theodor Heine. [Stockholm, 1944]. Ink on thick paper. Initialed on top right corner.
Illustration depicting two Nazi soldiers on the street of a bombarded city, with ruined buildings in the background. One soldier is holding a shotgun and goose-stepping, while the other drags a starving dog toward a gallows on which a man, woman, and girl are hung. On the right, two "free" dogs look on. Beneath the picture is an inscription in pencil - the dialogue between the two free dogs, conversing about the bitter fate of the dog being led to the gallows for having belonged to an aristocratic general. Apparently the illustration was meant to be published in a newspaper.
Heine (1867-1948) was a Jewish illustrator and caricaturist active in Germany at the turn of the 20th century, and a founder of the satiric magazine “Simplicissimus”. With the Nazi rise to power he was forced to leave the magazine because of his Jewish origins and his opinions. He escaped to Prague, Oslo and finally Stockholm, where he lived until his death.
Leaf 25X30 cm. Very good condition.
Illustration depicting two Nazi soldiers on the street of a bombarded city, with ruined buildings in the background. One soldier is holding a shotgun and goose-stepping, while the other drags a starving dog toward a gallows on which a man, woman, and girl are hung. On the right, two "free" dogs look on. Beneath the picture is an inscription in pencil - the dialogue between the two free dogs, conversing about the bitter fate of the dog being led to the gallows for having belonged to an aristocratic general. Apparently the illustration was meant to be published in a newspaper.
Heine (1867-1948) was a Jewish illustrator and caricaturist active in Germany at the turn of the 20th century, and a founder of the satiric magazine “Simplicissimus”. With the Nazi rise to power he was forced to leave the magazine because of his Jewish origins and his opinions. He escaped to Prague, Oslo and finally Stockholm, where he lived until his death.
Leaf 25X30 cm. Very good condition.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Collection of items related to "HaNoteah [The Planter] Society, a society for Settlement and Orchard Management", founded in 1924 by the "Bnei Binyamin" Organization (for agricultural development), in order to buy land and establish new farming communities. Among its other operations, as of 1933 HaNoteah managed the transfer of Jewish capital from Nazi Germany to Palestine as part of the "Transfer Agreements".
The collection includes:
* Handwritten notebook, "List of decisions from meetings of the board of directors of HaNoteah Ltd., Tel Aviv", with 61 protocols of the meetings of the board of directors, from September 30, 1931 to February 5, 1934. * Printed notebook with lists of names of people with whom land contracts were signed, in various places throughout the country, in the years 1934-1939. [6] leaves. * Handwritten notebook with lists of names of members of "HaNoteah" and "Pituach" - apparently, "Chevrat Pituach Chof Netanya" [Netanya Shoreline Development Company], a subsidiary of "HaNoteah", which operated similarly to the manner of operation of its parent-company. * 40 checks made out to the account of "HaNoteah Ltd." And "Acre-Haifa Bay (1934)", from the years 1937-1938, most with stamps of "HaNoteah" Company. * Three checks of the "Bnei Binyamin Cooperative Bank", signed by Baruch Ram (one of the founders of "HaNoteah"), 1933. * Handwritten notebook with lists of names of workers and the salary they are to receive.
Size and condition vary.
The collection includes:
* Handwritten notebook, "List of decisions from meetings of the board of directors of HaNoteah Ltd., Tel Aviv", with 61 protocols of the meetings of the board of directors, from September 30, 1931 to February 5, 1934. * Printed notebook with lists of names of people with whom land contracts were signed, in various places throughout the country, in the years 1934-1939. [6] leaves. * Handwritten notebook with lists of names of members of "HaNoteah" and "Pituach" - apparently, "Chevrat Pituach Chof Netanya" [Netanya Shoreline Development Company], a subsidiary of "HaNoteah", which operated similarly to the manner of operation of its parent-company. * 40 checks made out to the account of "HaNoteah Ltd." And "Acre-Haifa Bay (1934)", from the years 1937-1938, most with stamps of "HaNoteah" Company. * Three checks of the "Bnei Binyamin Cooperative Bank", signed by Baruch Ram (one of the founders of "HaNoteah"), 1933. * Handwritten notebook with lists of names of workers and the salary they are to receive.
Size and condition vary.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $450
Including buyer's premium
Help!! Sauvez! Hilfe!!, Anatol Gurewitsch. Tel-Aviv: "Paideia-Humanistic Publishing House", 1939.
A poem and 15 impressive linocuts, in the spirit of German Expressionism, by Anatol Gurewitsch, all depicting the persecution of Jews in Germany.
Anatol Gurewitsch (1919-2005), born in Russia, studied in Germany, France and Italy and with the Israeli painters Miron Sima and Yitzchak Frenkel. Immigrated to Palestine in 1934, where he painted and designed stage decorations and costumes for the theater.
[1] leaf + [15] linocuts. 34 cm. Good-fair condition. A number of stains and creases to main text. Stains, tears and damage to cover. Rebound in hard binding.
A poem and 15 impressive linocuts, in the spirit of German Expressionism, by Anatol Gurewitsch, all depicting the persecution of Jews in Germany.
Anatol Gurewitsch (1919-2005), born in Russia, studied in Germany, France and Italy and with the Israeli painters Miron Sima and Yitzchak Frenkel. Immigrated to Palestine in 1934, where he painted and designed stage decorations and costumes for the theater.
[1] leaf + [15] linocuts. 34 cm. Good-fair condition. A number of stains and creases to main text. Stains, tears and damage to cover. Rebound in hard binding.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus
Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
March 16, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
E.I.F., circulaire no. 6, Paques 1941. Distcirct de Provence, Secteur de Marseille. Marseille, 1941. French.
Issue no. 6 of the bulletin of the Jewish Scouts in France, published before Passover. Typewritten and stenciled.
The first page features an opinion piece by the "Supervisor", in which he draws an implicit connection between the Biblical Exodus and the possibility of making aliya to Palestine, and even refers to the French government collaborating with the Nazis - "We are speaking of the Passover holiday, and we may ask what is the point of destroying an army [of Germans] if the enemy is among us?" In addition, the issue contains news and updates regarding the activities of various branches of the Scouts in Provence, an essay on Passover, riddles and jokes. Small illustration on title page.
6 pp., 27 cm. Good condition.
Issue no. 6 of the bulletin of the Jewish Scouts in France, published before Passover. Typewritten and stenciled.
The first page features an opinion piece by the "Supervisor", in which he draws an implicit connection between the Biblical Exodus and the possibility of making aliya to Palestine, and even refers to the French government collaborating with the Nazis - "We are speaking of the Passover holiday, and we may ask what is the point of destroying an army [of Germans] if the enemy is among us?" In addition, the issue contains news and updates regarding the activities of various branches of the Scouts in Provence, an essay on Passover, riddles and jokes. Small illustration on title page.
6 pp., 27 cm. Good condition.
Anti-Semitism, The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah in Europe and Cyprus