Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
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Displaying 49 - 60 of 491
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $1,000
Travels In Palestine Through The Countries Of Bashan And Gilead, East Of The River Jordan, Including A Visit To The Cities Of Geraza And Gamala, In The Decapolis, J. S. Buckingham. London: Longham, Hurst, Rees, Orme&Brown, 1821. English. 1st edition.
Travels of James Silk Buckingham through Eretz Israel, Bashan, Gilead and East of the River Jordan. Accompanied by illustrations and nine map-plates including a large map (folded) of Eretz Israel, two maps of Jerusalem ("Ancient Jerusalem" and "Modern Jerusalem"), map of the city of Jerash and sketches of buildings and temples in the city. James Silk Buckingham, (1786-1855), an English writer, native of Fleshing. Went on a journey to the Middle East in 1815. During his tour he went through Egypt, Lebanon, Acre, Nazareth, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ramla, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerash, and more.
XXV, [2],553 pp + [9] plates. 28 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks. Damages to spine and to binding. Front binding partly detached.
Travels of James Silk Buckingham through Eretz Israel, Bashan, Gilead and East of the River Jordan. Accompanied by illustrations and nine map-plates including a large map (folded) of Eretz Israel, two maps of Jerusalem ("Ancient Jerusalem" and "Modern Jerusalem"), map of the city of Jerash and sketches of buildings and temples in the city. James Silk Buckingham, (1786-1855), an English writer, native of Fleshing. Went on a journey to the Middle East in 1815. During his tour he went through Egypt, Lebanon, Acre, Nazareth, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ramla, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerash, and more.
XXV, [2],553 pp + [9] plates. 28 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks. Damages to spine and to binding. Front binding partly detached.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $700
Sold for: $938
Including buyer's premium
Bilder Aus dem Heiligen Lande. Vierzig ausgewaehlte Original-Ansichten biblisch-wichtiger Orte treu nach der Natur gezeichnet von J. M. Bernatz, mit erläuterndem texte von G. H. v. Schubert, Stuttgart: J.F. Steinkopf, [1839]. German.
Pictures of the Holy Land, forty biblical landscapes after paintings by J.M. Bernatz, with text by Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert. 39 lithograph plates portraying views and sites in Eretz Israel and the vicinity – Damascus, Hebron, Tiberias, Mount Carmel, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Joseph's tomb in Nablus, and more. Including a folding panorama of Sinai. [42] leaves + [39] plates. 42.5X29 cm. Good condition. Minor tears. Significant foxing marks, some dark. Panorama in good condition.
Pictures of the Holy Land, forty biblical landscapes after paintings by J.M. Bernatz, with text by Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert. 39 lithograph plates portraying views and sites in Eretz Israel and the vicinity – Damascus, Hebron, Tiberias, Mount Carmel, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Joseph's tomb in Nablus, and more. Including a folding panorama of Sinai. [42] leaves + [39] plates. 42.5X29 cm. Good condition. Minor tears. Significant foxing marks, some dark. Panorama in good condition.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Lot 51 "History of Egypt under the Government of Mohammed-Aly" – Volume of Lithographs – Paris, 1823
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $3,000
Sold for: $3,750
Including buyer's premium
Histoire De l'Egypte sous le gouvernment de Mohammed-Aly, ou Recit Des Evenements Politiques et Militaires qui ont eu lieu depuis le depart des Francais jusqu'en 1823. Atlas.[History of Egypt under the government of Mohammed-Aly, or depiction of the political and military events since the French departed in 1823]. Paris: A. Bertrand, 1823. French.
The volume of lithographs which accompanies the “History of Egypt under the government of Mohammed-Aly” by Félix Mengin. The volume contains 13 illustration-plates and maps: • Portraits in color of Mohammed-Aly, Egyptian ruler, The Mameluk governor Murad Bei and Abdallah Ibn Saud, ruler of the first Saudi state. • Large map, folded, of the Nejd area (etching). • Large map (folded), in color, of the Mahmudiya Channel in Alexandria. • Additional illustrations of figures and sites in Egypt. • Table with information about import-export between Egypt and Europe. [15] leaves, 40 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks, minor creases. Minor tears to borders of folded maps. Front binding detached.
The volume of lithographs which accompanies the “History of Egypt under the government of Mohammed-Aly” by Félix Mengin. The volume contains 13 illustration-plates and maps: • Portraits in color of Mohammed-Aly, Egyptian ruler, The Mameluk governor Murad Bei and Abdallah Ibn Saud, ruler of the first Saudi state. • Large map, folded, of the Nejd area (etching). • Large map (folded), in color, of the Mahmudiya Channel in Alexandria. • Additional illustrations of figures and sites in Egypt. • Table with information about import-export between Egypt and Europe. [15] leaves, 40 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks, minor creases. Minor tears to borders of folded maps. Front binding detached.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $400
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
1. La terre sainte, Son histoire - ses souvenirs - ses sites - ses monuments [The Holy Land – History, Remembrances,Sites and Monuments], Victor Guérin. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884. First volume, 2nd edition.
2. La Terre Sainte, Liban, Pheìnicie, Palestine occidentale et meìridionale, Peìtra, Sinaï, Egypte [the Holy Land – Lebanon,Phoenicia, Western and Southern Palestine, Petra, Sinai, Egypt]. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884, second volume, 2nd edition. The text describes the archaeology of the Holy Land with biblical and Talmudic citations, as well as writings by Jewish travelers like Binyamin Metudela and Yitzchak Hilu.
In addition appear citations from Greek mythology and researchers of the Levant, the author's contemporaries as Robinson. Visual descriptions of views, characters, architecture and archaeology are integrated into the text.
The author, Victor Guérin (1821-1891), was a French intellectual and amateur archaeologist who arrived in Eretz Israel eight times between the years 1852 and 1888. Volume I: 468 pp; Volume II: 512 pp. 39 cm. Etchings in various sizes. Good condition, spotting on some of the leaves, contemporary binding.
2. La Terre Sainte, Liban, Pheìnicie, Palestine occidentale et meìridionale, Peìtra, Sinaï, Egypte [the Holy Land – Lebanon,Phoenicia, Western and Southern Palestine, Petra, Sinai, Egypt]. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884, second volume, 2nd edition. The text describes the archaeology of the Holy Land with biblical and Talmudic citations, as well as writings by Jewish travelers like Binyamin Metudela and Yitzchak Hilu.
In addition appear citations from Greek mythology and researchers of the Levant, the author's contemporaries as Robinson. Visual descriptions of views, characters, architecture and archaeology are integrated into the text.
The author, Victor Guérin (1821-1891), was a French intellectual and amateur archaeologist who arrived in Eretz Israel eight times between the years 1852 and 1888. Volume I: 468 pp; Volume II: 512 pp. 39 cm. Etchings in various sizes. Good condition, spotting on some of the leaves, contemporary binding.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $300
Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt, Edited by Sir Charles Wilson, New-York: D. Appleton & Co. 1881. 1st edition. Two volumes. A detailed guide to Eretz Israel, written by several expert researchers. Each page features a detailed etching portraying the area's views, inhabitants' garments, customs, etc. First volume: 480 pp, Second volume: 476 pp. 33 cm. Edge-gilded leaves. Good condition. Contemporary bindings, wear to edges.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $500
A Cruise to Egypt, Palestine, and Greece, during Five Months' Leave of Absence, by W. E. Fitzmaurice. London: John Hill printing press, 1834. English.
Tour of William Edward Fitzmaurice to Egypt, Eretz Israel and Greece. Accompanied by eight etchings: view of Jerusalem from the Beth-Lehem road, the Dead Sea viewed from the Mount of Olives, view from Mount Tabor, view of the Pyramids in Giza from the direction of the Nile, etc. On the leaf preceding the title page appears a letter handwritten by the author, in English. [2], 75 pp + [8] plates 29 cm. Good condition. Spots. Not original binding, damaged.
Tour of William Edward Fitzmaurice to Egypt, Eretz Israel and Greece. Accompanied by eight etchings: view of Jerusalem from the Beth-Lehem road, the Dead Sea viewed from the Mount of Olives, view from Mount Tabor, view of the Pyramids in Giza from the direction of the Nile, etc. On the leaf preceding the title page appears a letter handwritten by the author, in English. [2], 75 pp + [8] plates 29 cm. Good condition. Spots. Not original binding, damaged.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $1,000
Ulrich Jasper Seetzen's Reisen durch Syrien, Palastina, Phonicien, die Transjordan-Lander, Arabia Petraca und Unter-Aegypten. Herausgegeben und commentirt von Professor Dr. Fr. Kruse. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1854. German. Two volumes.
"Travels of Ulrich Jasper Seetzen through Syria, Palestine, Phynicia, Trans-Jordan countries, Petra and Lower Egypt", edited by Dr. Friedrich Kruse. Seetzen's travel diaries were published in four volumes in 1854-1859. Presented here are the first two volumes dealing, in addition to other places, with his tour through Eretz Israel.
Ulrich Jasper Seetzen (1767-1811), German physician, scientist and traveler, was known as a researcher of Eretz Israel and the Arab Peninsula, and was considered one of the most important German Orientalists. In 1802 he went on a geography research trip to Turkey, the Middle East and the Arab Peninsula, a trip that lasted nine years. His first stop was in Constantinople. From there he continued to Izmir and Aleppo. During that period he learned Arabic and got familiar with the Arab way of life. He then toured Eretz Israel and Transjordan. During the years 1806-1807 Seetzen stayed in the area of the Dead Sea and was the first to conduct scientific observations of the Dead Sea. His journey ended in Yemen where he was murdered by order of San'a's Imam.
Two volumes. Volume 1: [4] leaves, LXXV, 432 pp. Volume 2: [2] leaves, 400 pp. 22 cm. Good condition. Significant spotting (mainly foxing marks). Ex-library copy.
"Travels of Ulrich Jasper Seetzen through Syria, Palestine, Phynicia, Trans-Jordan countries, Petra and Lower Egypt", edited by Dr. Friedrich Kruse. Seetzen's travel diaries were published in four volumes in 1854-1859. Presented here are the first two volumes dealing, in addition to other places, with his tour through Eretz Israel.
Ulrich Jasper Seetzen (1767-1811), German physician, scientist and traveler, was known as a researcher of Eretz Israel and the Arab Peninsula, and was considered one of the most important German Orientalists. In 1802 he went on a geography research trip to Turkey, the Middle East and the Arab Peninsula, a trip that lasted nine years. His first stop was in Constantinople. From there he continued to Izmir and Aleppo. During that period he learned Arabic and got familiar with the Arab way of life. He then toured Eretz Israel and Transjordan. During the years 1806-1807 Seetzen stayed in the area of the Dead Sea and was the first to conduct scientific observations of the Dead Sea. His journey ended in Yemen where he was murdered by order of San'a's Imam.
Two volumes. Volume 1: [4] leaves, LXXV, 432 pp. Volume 2: [2] leaves, 400 pp. 22 cm. Good condition. Significant spotting (mainly foxing marks). Ex-library copy.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $5,000
Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Das ist Ein Reisebuch, Uber die ganze heilige Schrifft, in zwei Bücher getheilet. Printed by Paul Donat (in Vorlegung Ambrosii Kirchners). Magdeburg, Germany, 1597. German. Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae [Travel book through Holy Scriptures], by Heinrich Bünting, (1545-1606), a German pastor, theologian and cartographer, native of Hanover. This is one of the most important travel books, and when first published in 1581, provided the most comprehensive description of biblical geography available. Since then, the book has been printed in several editions and has been translated into many languages. The book describes the Holy Land by following the travels of various notable people from the Old and New Testaments. Four parts (separate title pages for each part, with the exception of the first part): Part 1 is the longest and deals with the Old Testament recounting the travels of the Prophets, Kings, Judges and various other Biblical figures. Part 2, Itinerarium Noui Testamenti, describes the travels of Joseph, Maria and other figures from the New Testament. Part 3, Uber das Buch Josua, deals with the Book of Joshua; Part 4, De Monetis et Mensuris Sacrae Scripturae is about money and means of payment mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. The book includes 12 maps (woodcuts), most of the maps are double-spreads (printed on two pages), depicting the world and Eretz Israel. Three of the maps are figurative maps drawn by Bünting: The first and most well known is the map which portrays the world in the shape of a cloverleaf with three points (the cloverleaf appears on the emblem of the city of Hanover, where Bünting was born). The triple cloverleaf represents three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa. In the center of the leaf, representing the center of the world is the city of Jerusalem. The second map presents the Asian continent in the shape of Pegasus (a winged horse that appears in Greek mythology). On the third map, the European continent is drawn in the shape of a queen wearing a cape and a crown (depicting the Phoenician princess, Europe). In addition to these figurative maps, the book also contains more conventional maps: a map of the African continent, two world maps, four maps of Eretz Israel, a map of Jerusalem and a sketch of the Holy Temple. Part 1: [14], 240, [7] pages (lacking another title page?); Part 2: [6], 102, [8], pages; Part 3: [1], 34, pages, [one empty]; Part 4: [6], 15, [2], 14-21 pages. Many mispaginations. Volume 30 cm. Spots, moth damages, minor tears. Some leaves (primarily with the maps), have ancient repairs – tears restored with glued paper. The first title page is detached and damaged, glued on paper for reinforcement. The maps are in fair condition. Most have stains and restored tears (ancient restorations). Some have cutoff margins. The cloverleaf map is detached, with spots, minor tears to margins, paper glued on folding mark. The margins of the queen-shaped map of Europe and the Pegasus map are slightly cut off. Spotting. Restored damage to the folding marks. Restorations with glued paper and tape (the Pegasus map has two strips of tape, 8 and 4 cm. long). Contemporary binding, with clasps for closing (one clasp is lacking).
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
Study of the Holy Land with Maps of the Tribal Territories - Christiaan van Adrichom. [Most probably 1st edition: Cologne, 1590]. Latin.
Christian van Adrichom (1533-1585] – Catholic priest, native of Delft (Holland), composed several essays about Eretz Israel. This book is a comprehensive description of the Holy Land, accompanied by ten maps (etchings) of the Tribal territories. Two large maps are missing from the copy presented here (one map of Eretz Israel and one of Jerusalem).
A chapter focusing on sites in Jerusalem during the period of Jesus appears at the end of the book, with a chronological description of Biblical events starting with the creation of Adam. The book was published in six editions, the first one in 1590, and was translated into several languages.
[12], 286, [18] pp + [10] maps (one map spread on two pages). Two maps are missing as well as twelve pages of the index, in the end of the book. 38 cm. Good-fair condition. Spotting. Minor tears. Moth holes. Restoration with adhesive tape to title page. The maps are restored with paper or cloth. The edges of two maps are cut. Corrections in ancient handwriting. Contemporary parchment binding, partly restored (new end paper). Ex-Libris.
Christian van Adrichom (1533-1585] – Catholic priest, native of Delft (Holland), composed several essays about Eretz Israel. This book is a comprehensive description of the Holy Land, accompanied by ten maps (etchings) of the Tribal territories. Two large maps are missing from the copy presented here (one map of Eretz Israel and one of Jerusalem).
A chapter focusing on sites in Jerusalem during the period of Jesus appears at the end of the book, with a chronological description of Biblical events starting with the creation of Adam. The book was published in six editions, the first one in 1590, and was translated into several languages.
[12], 286, [18] pp + [10] maps (one map spread on two pages). Two maps are missing as well as twelve pages of the index, in the end of the book. 38 cm. Good-fair condition. Spotting. Minor tears. Moth holes. Restoration with adhesive tape to title page. The maps are restored with paper or cloth. The edges of two maps are cut. Corrections in ancient handwriting. Contemporary parchment binding, partly restored (new end paper). Ex-Libris.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $500
13 leaves from “Cosmographia” by Sebastian Münster. Including four maps. [Basel, second half of 16th cent.]
13 leaves of the book, concerning Eretz Israel and the vicinity, with illustrations and four maps (woodcuts):
1. Map of Eretz Israel and Syria. 17X26 cm. Laor 528.
2. Die heilige statt Jerusalem contrafehtet nach form uns gestalt wie sie ietz erbauwen ist. View of Jerusalem. 38X15 cm. Laor 1087.
3. Syria/Cypern/Palestina/Mesapotamia/Babylonia / zwey Arabia/mit Bergen, Wasseren und Stetten. Map of the Midle East. 36X30 cm. Laor 531.
4. Das Heilig Landt mit ausztheilung der zwolff Geschlechter [Holy Land, with division into the Twelve Tribes territories]. In spite of the title, the borders of the Twelve Tribes are not marked. 36X31 cm. Laor 523.
The book "Cosmographia" deals with geography, history, zoology, botany, ethnography and astronomy and is accompanied by hundreds of maps and illustrations of lands and cities around the world. The first German edition was published in 1544, and is considered the earliest German description of the world. Numerous editions have been published later in German, Latin, French, Italian and Czech. The leaves presented here were printed in one of the German editions of the book. [13] leaves, 34 cm. Fair-good condition. Spots, minor tears, library ink stamp and label of a book store on three of the leaves. Tears, moth-holes, spots and a tear restored with adhesive tape to the fourth map. Damages to binding.
13 leaves of the book, concerning Eretz Israel and the vicinity, with illustrations and four maps (woodcuts):
1. Map of Eretz Israel and Syria. 17X26 cm. Laor 528.
2. Die heilige statt Jerusalem contrafehtet nach form uns gestalt wie sie ietz erbauwen ist. View of Jerusalem. 38X15 cm. Laor 1087.
3. Syria/Cypern/Palestina/Mesapotamia/Babylonia / zwey Arabia/mit Bergen, Wasseren und Stetten. Map of the Midle East. 36X30 cm. Laor 531.
4. Das Heilig Landt mit ausztheilung der zwolff Geschlechter [Holy Land, with division into the Twelve Tribes territories]. In spite of the title, the borders of the Twelve Tribes are not marked. 36X31 cm. Laor 523.
The book "Cosmographia" deals with geography, history, zoology, botany, ethnography and astronomy and is accompanied by hundreds of maps and illustrations of lands and cities around the world. The first German edition was published in 1544, and is considered the earliest German description of the world. Numerous editions have been published later in German, Latin, French, Italian and Czech. The leaves presented here were printed in one of the German editions of the book. [13] leaves, 34 cm. Fair-good condition. Spots, minor tears, library ink stamp and label of a book store on three of the leaves. Tears, moth-holes, spots and a tear restored with adhesive tape to the fourth map. Damages to binding.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $350
Sold for: $550
Including buyer's premium
Ierusalem ciuitas sancta, olim metropolis regni iudaici, hodie uero colonia Turcae [Jerusalem the Holy City, formerly the capital city of the Kingdom of Judah, today a Turkish colony.] From Sebastian Münster's book "Cosmographia". Basel, 1550. A hand-painted woodcut.
The map presents Jerusalem from the east, surrounded by a wall of mid-16th cent. Names of important sites such as: Omar Mosque and the Gate of Mercy are written in Latin and in German. On the lower part appears a text about Jericho. On the reverse appear lines of Hebrew and Latin texts praising Jerusalem (chopped), on the left appear an imaginary description of Acre. 20.5X39 cm. Good condition, central folding mark, creases and tears at the edges, minor moth holes. Passe-partout.
Laor no. 1085.
The map presents Jerusalem from the east, surrounded by a wall of mid-16th cent. Names of important sites such as: Omar Mosque and the Gate of Mercy are written in Latin and in German. On the lower part appears a text about Jericho. On the reverse appear lines of Hebrew and Latin texts praising Jerusalem (chopped), on the left appear an imaginary description of Acre. 20.5X39 cm. Good condition, central folding mark, creases and tears at the edges, minor moth holes. Passe-partout.
Laor no. 1085.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Auction 38 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
May 14, 2014
Opening: $400
1. Terra Sancta XVI nova tabula [Modern map of Palestine 16th century], Sebastian Münster. Basel, 1542. Colored woodcut.
Eretz Israel spans on both sides of the Jordan River according to the Tribes' territories. An illustration of Sodom and Gomorra burning, appears on the Dead Sea. On the reverse appears a text in Latin. 29.2X35.5 cm, good condition, central folding mark, minor spotting on borders and to map. Laor no. 616.
2. Tabula Asiae IIII [map of Asia no. 4], Claudius Münster. Basel, 1542. Woodcut.
The Middle East is portrayed from Cyprus to Babel. The Holy Land coast line is stretching from Acre to Ashkelon. 30X39 cm. Central folding mark, somewhat torn. Several moth holes. Laor no. 615.
Eretz Israel spans on both sides of the Jordan River according to the Tribes' territories. An illustration of Sodom and Gomorra burning, appears on the Dead Sea. On the reverse appears a text in Latin. 29.2X35.5 cm, good condition, central folding mark, minor spotting on borders and to map. Laor no. 616.
2. Tabula Asiae IIII [map of Asia no. 4], Claudius Münster. Basel, 1542. Woodcut.
The Middle East is portrayed from Cyprus to Babel. The Holy Land coast line is stretching from Acre to Ashkelon. 30X39 cm. Central folding mark, somewhat torn. Several moth holes. Laor no. 615.
Travels in Palestine, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics