Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 1 - 12 of 72
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
Tefilat Yisrael prayer book, Sephardic custom. Includes poems and laws. Jerusalem, 1842. Israel Beck printing press.
Approbations of rabbis of Jerusalem. On title page: “All who are involved in the holy work are from the Jewish nation…”. In the preface, the printer, Rabbi Israel Beck, relates his hardships in Safed: “After all the hardships which I endured… plague and sword and hunger… earthquake” which erupted in Safed “I was forced to establish my dwelling here… Jerusalem”. Some of the laws and prayers are taken from the Sefat Emet prayer book edited by Rabbi Nissim Zerachia Azulai, Safed 1832. At end: Calendar (1843-1846).
Incomplete and damaged copy, 148 leaves (originally: 152 leaves). 15 cm. Varying condition, tears and damage on first leaves, moth damage and stains. Majority of leaves in good condition.
Rare. S. HaLevi, First Books of Jerusalem, no. 4.
Approbations of rabbis of Jerusalem. On title page: “All who are involved in the holy work are from the Jewish nation…”. In the preface, the printer, Rabbi Israel Beck, relates his hardships in Safed: “After all the hardships which I endured… plague and sword and hunger… earthquake” which erupted in Safed “I was forced to establish my dwelling here… Jerusalem”. Some of the laws and prayers are taken from the Sefat Emet prayer book edited by Rabbi Nissim Zerachia Azulai, Safed 1832. At end: Calendar (1843-1846).
Incomplete and damaged copy, 148 leaves (originally: 152 leaves). 15 cm. Varying condition, tears and damage on first leaves, moth damage and stains. Majority of leaves in good condition.
Rare. S. HaLevi, First Books of Jerusalem, no. 4.
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Ohalei Yehuda, novellae on the Rambam and guidelines on Talmudical treatises arranged in alphabetical order. By Rabbi Yehuda Bachar Shlomo HaCohen (Jerusalem dayan and member of Beit El kabalists). Jerusalem, [1843]. Israel Beck printing. Only edition.
Oriental signature: "David Avraham Chai".
[3], 145 leaves. 30 cm. High-quality paper, good-fair condition. Moth holes. Semi-leather old elaborate binding.
One of the first books printed in Jerusalem. S. HaLevi 10.
Oriental signature: "David Avraham Chai".
[3], 145 leaves. 30 cm. High-quality paper, good-fair condition. Moth holes. Semi-leather old elaborate binding.
One of the first books printed in Jerusalem. S. HaLevi 10.
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $1,200
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Zohar on the Torah, by divine Tanna Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Jerusalem, (1844-1846). Illustration of Western Wall and Jerusalem on all three title pages. Title page of section Shemot contains signed ownership notation “--- Young Tzarfati ". On last leaf, Oriental handwritten notation of “atonement for sin of desecration of name of G-d and wasted semen”. Title page of section Vayikra contains inscription notations in Oriental handwriting.
3 volumes, approx. 20 cm. Quality fine paper, good condition, restored damage on several leaves. Elegant half-leather bindings.
S. HaLevi, no. 22, 27, 35.
3 volumes, approx. 20 cm. Quality fine paper, good condition, restored damage on several leaves. Elegant half-leather bindings.
S. HaLevi, no. 22, 27, 35.
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $475
Including buyer's premium
Pirkei Avot with commentary of Rabbi Ovadia of Bartenura, Maharam Alshich, Chasdei Avot by the Chida. Safed, 1864. Printing press of Dov Ber Kara. Title page contains illustration of the grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron and “his sons Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Yochanan”. At end of book, list of “people who contributed financially to printing of book”.
Among printings of Safed during the 19th century. In 1863 the printing press in Safed was reopened after being out of operation for approx. twenty six years. It continued to operate until 1866; only nine books were printed in the printing press. 43 leaves, 20.5 cm. Fair condition, moth damage and wear. Original worn binding.
Among printings of Safed during the 19th century. In 1863 the printing press in Safed was reopened after being out of operation for approx. twenty six years. It continued to operate until 1866; only nine books were printed in the printing press. 43 leaves, 20.5 cm. Fair condition, moth damage and wear. Original worn binding.
Books Printed in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
“Ptichat [!] LeNe’ila”. Single leaf. [Constantinople, 187-?].
Printed on one side. Heading in Hebrew. Sayings of ethical inspiration, recited prior to Ne’ila prayer, in Ladino.
[1] page. 22 cm. Good condition, folding marks and stains.
Printed on one side. Heading in Hebrew. Sayings of ethical inspiration, recited prior to Ne’ila prayer, in Ladino.
[1] page. 22 cm. Good condition, folding marks and stains.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
* Printed sheet, "Gran Rabinato Di Turkia”. Poster in Ladino, signed by Turkish Rabbis. Constantinople 1873. *. Two forms of “Shtar Shiduchin” in Ladino from Barossa Community (Turkey). Printed in Istanbul, 1920’s. (Title and decorations in gilded ink; empty forms without any handwriting. Tear with part missing in one of the forms). * “Magen David” book for studying the Holy Language. David Moscona, Vienna [1891]. Ladino. * Collection of handwritten sheets in Ladino. Among them: a work on words of confession, booklet [4 pages] with title “Tefilat Ne’ilah [seems to be a sermon for Ne’ilah service, Yom Kippur], etc. (total of about 9 written pages). * Printed receipt, “Hashgahat Dubik Balat” (without handwritten details).
Various sizes and conditions.
Various sizes and conditions.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
* Handwritten judgment, “Regarding the betrothal between Rabbi Shabetai Hacohen [and] Reina Iliza …” signed by Rabbi Jacob Argouetti, Rabbi Moshe Ibn Haviv and additional signatory. Stamp of “Bet Din Hazedk”. Istanbul, 1921.
* Four letters of certification to be Shatz for 1952 [To Rabbi Joseph Halevy, Rabbi Eliah Tazaritis, Rabbi Yitzhak Hacohen and Rabbi Eliahu Askenazi]. Handwritten and signed by Rabbi Moshe Ibn Haviv and another signatory, and with the stamp “Klalut City of Constantinople – Bet Din Hazedek” Istanbul 1951.
* Letter from Rabbi Rafael Segron. On stationary of “Chief Rabbi in the Turkish Kingdom". Signature not identified, Ladino.
* Register of financial reports of the Bet Israel Karatesh Community (Izmir, Turkey). Each sheet contains the name of a community member completed by hand with details of amounts of debts/donations. [8 sheets].
* Printed Ketubah. Istanbul, [about 1930]. Blank form, without handwriting with stamp of Rabbanut Istanbul.
15 items. Various sizes. Good general condition.
* Four letters of certification to be Shatz for 1952 [To Rabbi Joseph Halevy, Rabbi Eliah Tazaritis, Rabbi Yitzhak Hacohen and Rabbi Eliahu Askenazi]. Handwritten and signed by Rabbi Moshe Ibn Haviv and another signatory, and with the stamp “Klalut City of Constantinople – Bet Din Hazedek” Istanbul 1951.
* Letter from Rabbi Rafael Segron. On stationary of “Chief Rabbi in the Turkish Kingdom". Signature not identified, Ladino.
* Register of financial reports of the Bet Israel Karatesh Community (Izmir, Turkey). Each sheet contains the name of a community member completed by hand with details of amounts of debts/donations. [8 sheets].
* Printed Ketubah. Istanbul, [about 1930]. Blank form, without handwriting with stamp of Rabbanut Istanbul.
15 items. Various sizes. Good general condition.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $400
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
See list in Hebrew description.
5 books, various sizes and conditions. Good to fair condition, some with wear damage.
5 books, various sizes and conditions. Good to fair condition, some with wear damage.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Chok L'Yisrael "According to the custom of men of truth in Sefardi countries", Volume 1 Chumash Bereshit. With introduction by publisher Rabbi Yisrael ben Chaim of Baligród. Vienna, 1816. Two additional leaves appear before title page: Leaf with etching of landscape with palm trees and leaf with explanation in ancient Ladino handwriting of the verse: "Golden apples in silver ornaments".
Various signatures in oriental handwriting [from the BalKans and Jerusalem]; "Chaim Gavriel ben Ya'akov Papo"; "Shabtai Pinzi"; "Chaim Pinzi [Patzipko?]; "Moshe Hadaya" etc.
On title page, signature in block letters and acronyms: P.L.A. – possible signature of the renowned Rabbi Eliezer Papo author of Pele Yo'etz (1785-1826), who would sign P.L.A. as explained in the introduction to his book Pele Yo'etz. His son Rabbi Yehuda Papo was also accustomed to signing "Yehuda Papo ebn P.L.A.".
Rabbi Eliezer Papo in his book Pele Yo'etz (Entry Beit HaMidrash, Entry Parnassa and Entry Kevi'ut Itim LaTorah) and in his other books, highly praises the book Chok L'Yisrael as he writes: "Set aside time for Torah study, whether a lot or a little, but make it a rule that can never be breached. And the seder Chok L'Yisrael is so good and so delightfully contains all and as a result G-d will bestow his blessing upon him".
[1], 416 pp. 19 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and use stains. Detached leaves. Tear to last leaf. Worn leather binding.
Rare and unique printing with ancient Ladino writing in print (slightly similar to Solitreo writing).
Various signatures in oriental handwriting [from the BalKans and Jerusalem]; "Chaim Gavriel ben Ya'akov Papo"; "Shabtai Pinzi"; "Chaim Pinzi [Patzipko?]; "Moshe Hadaya" etc.
On title page, signature in block letters and acronyms: P.L.A. – possible signature of the renowned Rabbi Eliezer Papo author of Pele Yo'etz (1785-1826), who would sign P.L.A. as explained in the introduction to his book Pele Yo'etz. His son Rabbi Yehuda Papo was also accustomed to signing "Yehuda Papo ebn P.L.A.".
Rabbi Eliezer Papo in his book Pele Yo'etz (Entry Beit HaMidrash, Entry Parnassa and Entry Kevi'ut Itim LaTorah) and in his other books, highly praises the book Chok L'Yisrael as he writes: "Set aside time for Torah study, whether a lot or a little, but make it a rule that can never be breached. And the seder Chok L'Yisrael is so good and so delightfully contains all and as a result G-d will bestow his blessing upon him".
[1], 416 pp. 19 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and use stains. Detached leaves. Tear to last leaf. Worn leather binding.
Rare and unique printing with ancient Ladino writing in print (slightly similar to Solitreo writing).
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Dat Yehudit. Li Or Na [Livorno], [1827]. Ladino.
The Laws of Women: Nidah, Halah, Lighting candles (on the Sabbath), etc. First edition of the work, written by Rabbi Abraham Larido and Rabbi Issac Halevi from Gibraltar. For the benefit of the public the book was printed and distributed without charge. In the introduction it states that permission is given to anyone who wishes to print the book.
[4], 40 leaves 14.5 cm. Good condition, a few stains, original binding, with slight damage.
The Laws of Women: Nidah, Halah, Lighting candles (on the Sabbath), etc. First edition of the work, written by Rabbi Abraham Larido and Rabbi Issac Halevi from Gibraltar. For the benefit of the public the book was printed and distributed without charge. In the introduction it states that permission is given to anyone who wishes to print the book.
[4], 40 leaves 14.5 cm. Good condition, a few stains, original binding, with slight damage.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Divrei Yosef responsa, by the Mekubal Rabbi Yosef Irgas. Livorno, [1742].
Ownership inscription signed in 1778 of "The Holy Ya'akov Bi'et of Hamburg".
[1], 110 leaves. 31 cm. High-quality thick light-colored paper, wide margins. Very good condition. Fabric binding.
Ownership inscription signed in 1778 of "The Holy Ya'akov Bi'et of Hamburg".
[1], 110 leaves. 31 cm. High-quality thick light-colored paper, wide margins. Very good condition. Fabric binding.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books
Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
August 28, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $450
Including buyer's premium
Ben Begimath Eliyahu, or the Book of Rules, by Rabbi Eliyahu Halevy [Av Bet Din in Alessandriah, Italy]. Livorno, [1893]. Brief rules for Halacha, arranged in alphabetical order. Fine copy in very good condition. Magnificent leather binding with gold stamping [placed in original cardboard box]. 60 pages. 18 cm. Very good condition. Gilded edges to margins. Slight damage to binding.
Books Printed in the East and Ladino Books