Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 73 - 84 of 154
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $25,000
“Sefer HaMachbarot [book of notebooks] by Mr. Immanuel”. Immanuel son of Shlomo of Rome. Brecia (Italy), [1491]. Printing press of Gershom son of Moshe Soncino. First edition.
Incunabula. Printed without title page. Illustrations of twelve zodiacal constellations printed in ninth notebook. Among few books printed by Gershom Soncino in Warsaw. Soncino, among greatest Hebrew printers during his generation and in following generations, and for a while – only Hebrew printer worldwide; wandered throughout Italy with his printing instruments and printed books in Soncino, Brescia, Casalmaggiore, Barco, Fano, Pesaro, Rimini, Ortona and Napoli. Toward the end of his lifetime emigrated from Italy and continued printing books in Saloniki and Constantinople. Colophon: “The printing of this book, Machberet Immanuel, by youngest legislator Gershom son of Rabbi Moshe of the Jewish nation of Soncino completed here in Brescia… today Monday, 26 Marcheshvan 1491…”.
Immanuel son of Shlomo of Rome, Jewish poet and satirist and composer of commentaries on the Bible. Born in Rome in 1261 and passed away in 1330. After becoming impoverished he left his native land and roamed through Italy, until he found shelter by a patron of the city of Parma, where he composed his writings. Machbarot Immanuel is an anthology consisting of twenty eight chapters (“Machbarot”) produced by him. The book contains lengthy Maqams, integrated with songs, stories, allegories, dialogues and more, in the spirit of the Italian renaissance, as reflected by a wise Jew of that era.
[159] leaves, pamphlets 1-5 consists of 8 leaves, pamphlet 6 of ten leaves and pamphlet 7 of 2 leaves, pamphlets 8-20 of 8 leaves, and pamphlet [21] of 4 leaves (missing blank leaf at beginning of book). 18 cm. Good condition. Stains, tear restoration on several leaves, tear on upper corner of last page, restored and completed in handwriting. Notations. Ancient leather binding, restored with restoration of clasps.
Incunabula. Printed without title page. Illustrations of twelve zodiacal constellations printed in ninth notebook. Among few books printed by Gershom Soncino in Warsaw. Soncino, among greatest Hebrew printers during his generation and in following generations, and for a while – only Hebrew printer worldwide; wandered throughout Italy with his printing instruments and printed books in Soncino, Brescia, Casalmaggiore, Barco, Fano, Pesaro, Rimini, Ortona and Napoli. Toward the end of his lifetime emigrated from Italy and continued printing books in Saloniki and Constantinople. Colophon: “The printing of this book, Machberet Immanuel, by youngest legislator Gershom son of Rabbi Moshe of the Jewish nation of Soncino completed here in Brescia… today Monday, 26 Marcheshvan 1491…”.
Immanuel son of Shlomo of Rome, Jewish poet and satirist and composer of commentaries on the Bible. Born in Rome in 1261 and passed away in 1330. After becoming impoverished he left his native land and roamed through Italy, until he found shelter by a patron of the city of Parma, where he composed his writings. Machbarot Immanuel is an anthology consisting of twenty eight chapters (“Machbarot”) produced by him. The book contains lengthy Maqams, integrated with songs, stories, allegories, dialogues and more, in the spirit of the Italian renaissance, as reflected by a wise Jew of that era.
[159] leaves, pamphlets 1-5 consists of 8 leaves, pamphlet 6 of ten leaves and pamphlet 7 of 2 leaves, pamphlets 8-20 of 8 leaves, and pamphlet [21] of 4 leaves (missing blank leaf at beginning of book). 18 cm. Good condition. Stains, tear restoration on several leaves, tear on upper corner of last page, restored and completed in handwriting. Notations. Ancient leather binding, restored with restoration of clasps.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $6,000
Sold for: $7,500
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Mishneh Torah LaRamban, sections: Avodah, Korbanot, Tahara, Nezikin (from middle of chapter 3; laws of theft), Kinyan, Mishpatim, Shoftim (until middle of chapter 14; laws of mourning). [Soncino, 1490]. Handwritten titles and pagination [Yemen?], glosses and notations in various handwritings.
[168] leaves (originally: 380 leaves). Approx. 33 cm. Fair condition, moth damage and wear, restored, unbound leaves.
[168] leaves (originally: 380 leaves). Approx. 33 cm. Fair condition, moth damage and wear, restored, unbound leaves.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $2,125
Including buyer's premium
Yalkut Shimoni by Rabbi Shimon HaDarshan, section 2, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. [Salonika, 1521]. First edition. Printing press of Don Yehuda son of Gedalia.
68 leaves of Sefer Tehillim appear in some of the copies, including this one, between leaves 140-141.
Several handwritten corrections and glosses.
2-140, 68, 138 [instead of: 141]-235 leaves (missing: first and last leaves). 30 cm. Condition of leaves varies (fair to poor), stains and wear, all leaves separated without binding. Rare variant edition. Bibliography Institute CD record 0176194.
68 leaves of Sefer Tehillim appear in some of the copies, including this one, between leaves 140-141.
Several handwritten corrections and glosses.
2-140, 68, 138 [instead of: 141]-235 leaves (missing: first and last leaves). 30 cm. Condition of leaves varies (fair to poor), stains and wear, all leaves separated without binding. Rare variant edition. Bibliography Institute CD record 0176194.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $2,800
Sefer Mikneh Avram, grammar book, by physician and grammarian Rabbi Avraham Devlamish. Venice, [1523]. Daniel Bomberg Printing Press.
Hebrew [vowelized] and Latin, page facing page. Apparently translated by David son of Kalonymus, who composed the last section of the book, “Sha’ar BeTa’amei HaMikrah” [cantillation notes section] and brought the book to print.
Reverse side of title page contains printed poem in Latin in honor of Daniel Bomberg, followed by a Latin introduction by Daniel Bomberg. The author, too, praises Bomberg in his introduction to the book. Concurrently, the Hebrew only edition was printed (in 1523). Order of letters of body of composition is almost identical. In this edition each line is numbered.
Fine copy in very good condition. [314] leaves. 21 cm. Wide margins, stains, Handwritten notations. Ancient binding, without clasps.
Hebrew [vowelized] and Latin, page facing page. Apparently translated by David son of Kalonymus, who composed the last section of the book, “Sha’ar BeTa’amei HaMikrah” [cantillation notes section] and brought the book to print.
Reverse side of title page contains printed poem in Latin in honor of Daniel Bomberg, followed by a Latin introduction by Daniel Bomberg. The author, too, praises Bomberg in his introduction to the book. Concurrently, the Hebrew only edition was printed (in 1523). Order of letters of body of composition is almost identical. In this edition each line is numbered.
Fine copy in very good condition. [314] leaves. 21 cm. Wide margins, stains, Handwritten notations. Ancient binding, without clasps.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $2,500
Sefer Massoret HaMassoret, "Accentuum Hebraicorum liber unus : ab Elia Iudaeo aeditus, & iam diu desideratus", in matters of grammar and Massorah [notations regarding the exact traditional text of the Bible], by Rabbi Eliyahu HaMedakdek. Basel, [1539].
Printed with his book Tuv Ta’am (Sefer HaTe’amim) on Ta’amei HaMikrah [cantillation notes] [separate title page, with detail of year 1539], and additional book which contains a Latin translation (summary) of both abovementioned books with title page in Hebrew and Latin: “Sefer Ha’Te’amim V’Sefer Massoret HaMassoret”. The Hebrew text is vowelized [except for title pages].
Colophon at end of Sefer Tuv Ta’am: “Vatechal Kol HaMelacha… Venice…”, which is a copy of the colophon of the first edition which was printed in Venice a year earlier.
Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur-Ashkenazi (1470-1549, Otzar HaRabbanim 2069), among the scholars of Italy and leading grammarians. Named for his book “HaBachur”; authored many compositions in matters of grammar, including Sefer “HaTishbi” and this book.
[180] leaves (22 pamphlets of 8 leaves, and one pamphlet of 4 leaves); [5] leaves; 109 pages. 15 cm. General condition very good (several leaves in good condition), few stains, few tears. Ancient parchment binding. Signatures, notations in Latin upon title pages and page margins.
Printed with his book Tuv Ta’am (Sefer HaTe’amim) on Ta’amei HaMikrah [cantillation notes] [separate title page, with detail of year 1539], and additional book which contains a Latin translation (summary) of both abovementioned books with title page in Hebrew and Latin: “Sefer Ha’Te’amim V’Sefer Massoret HaMassoret”. The Hebrew text is vowelized [except for title pages].
Colophon at end of Sefer Tuv Ta’am: “Vatechal Kol HaMelacha… Venice…”, which is a copy of the colophon of the first edition which was printed in Venice a year earlier.
Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur-Ashkenazi (1470-1549, Otzar HaRabbanim 2069), among the scholars of Italy and leading grammarians. Named for his book “HaBachur”; authored many compositions in matters of grammar, including Sefer “HaTishbi” and this book.
[180] leaves (22 pamphlets of 8 leaves, and one pamphlet of 4 leaves); [5] leaves; 109 pages. 15 cm. General condition very good (several leaves in good condition), few stains, few tears. Ancient parchment binding. Signatures, notations in Latin upon title pages and page margins.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $6,000
Machzor in version customary by congregation of Rome with Kimcha De’avishona commentary. Avot tractate with commentary… of the Rambam and commentary… of Rabbi Ovadia Sforno. Sections 1-2 [separate title page for each section]. Bolonia, [1540]. (Colophon: “Completed on day preceding Sukkot 1540).
Among the most important Machzorim printed in Italy. First edition of Kimcha De’avishova commentary; comprehensive commentary on the prayers and poetry, by Rabbi Yochanan son of Rabbi Yosef [the commentary was printed anonymously; colophon at end of book: “We have found a wise and humble person who didn’t mention his name in his introduction…”. See Bibliography Institute CD record 0172349 for some copies of this Machzor which specifically list name of author of commentary].
Ownership notations [erased] in Italian handwriting [signature: “Rachem Arachamenu Ne’um HaShem”]. Version corrections and [Italian] handwritten glosses. Haggadah of Pesach contains several especially lengthy glosses in ancient handwriting [some glosses cut off]. Many erasures by Christian censorship [majority are legible. In several places paper torn from ink].
Complete two-volume set. [199; 188] leaves. 30.5 cm. General condition good, majority of leaves in very good condition. Stains, moth stains [especially on inner margins], few tears. Cut off margins. First title page missing margins and restored. Professional restoration of many leaves. Magnificent leather bindings.
Less than twenty Hebrew books printed in Bolonia; this magnificent Machzor is one of the last books printed there.
Among the most important Machzorim printed in Italy. First edition of Kimcha De’avishova commentary; comprehensive commentary on the prayers and poetry, by Rabbi Yochanan son of Rabbi Yosef [the commentary was printed anonymously; colophon at end of book: “We have found a wise and humble person who didn’t mention his name in his introduction…”. See Bibliography Institute CD record 0172349 for some copies of this Machzor which specifically list name of author of commentary].
Ownership notations [erased] in Italian handwriting [signature: “Rachem Arachamenu Ne’um HaShem”]. Version corrections and [Italian] handwritten glosses. Haggadah of Pesach contains several especially lengthy glosses in ancient handwriting [some glosses cut off]. Many erasures by Christian censorship [majority are legible. In several places paper torn from ink].
Complete two-volume set. [199; 188] leaves. 30.5 cm. General condition good, majority of leaves in very good condition. Stains, moth stains [especially on inner margins], few tears. Cut off margins. First title page missing margins and restored. Professional restoration of many leaves. Magnificent leather bindings.
Less than twenty Hebrew books printed in Bolonia; this magnificent Machzor is one of the last books printed there.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $3,500
Sefer Hanhagat HaChaim – Libro intitolado rigimeinto dila vira. Ethical composition in Ladino, “composed by the wholesome scholar Rabbi Moshe Almosnino”, with composition on meaning of dreams “which the author himself composed upon the request of minister Sir Don Yitzchak Nassi…”. [Salonika], [1564]. Printing press of Yitzchak son of Yosef Ya’abetz.
Apparently, this is the first composition printed in the Ladino language! – The language of Jews of Spain, which was prevalent, following the Expulsion, throughout natives of Spain in the Eastern countries.
Preface and index in Hebrew as well. Outline of chapters and table of content listed on page margins in Hebrew. Explanation of foreign words (Ladino-Hebrew) printed at end of book.
Rabbi Moshe Almosnino (1516- c. 1580, Otzar HaRabbanim 14420). Among the greatest Salonika scholars of the 16th century and Rabbi of Salonika. Halachic authority, speaker and philosopher who was also well versed in science, medicine and several languages. Authored “Toraht Moshe”, “Tefila LeMoshe” and “Yedei Moshe”. He also wrote a commentary on the Ibn Ezra and Rashi, authored novella, methodologies in Shas and more.
Ownership notations. Signature in Italian handwriting: “Acquisition from Rabbi Raphael Shabtai…”.
164, [2] leaves (missing: last 2 leaves). 17 cm. Good condition. Stains (many leaves unblemished), moth stains on inner margins. Margins of last leaves professionally restored. New paper cut in color of binding. New elegant leather binding.
Apparently, this is the first composition printed in the Ladino language! – The language of Jews of Spain, which was prevalent, following the Expulsion, throughout natives of Spain in the Eastern countries.
Preface and index in Hebrew as well. Outline of chapters and table of content listed on page margins in Hebrew. Explanation of foreign words (Ladino-Hebrew) printed at end of book.
Rabbi Moshe Almosnino (1516- c. 1580, Otzar HaRabbanim 14420). Among the greatest Salonika scholars of the 16th century and Rabbi of Salonika. Halachic authority, speaker and philosopher who was also well versed in science, medicine and several languages. Authored “Toraht Moshe”, “Tefila LeMoshe” and “Yedei Moshe”. He also wrote a commentary on the Ibn Ezra and Rashi, authored novella, methodologies in Shas and more.
Ownership notations. Signature in Italian handwriting: “Acquisition from Rabbi Raphael Shabtai…”.
164, [2] leaves (missing: last 2 leaves). 17 cm. Good condition. Stains (many leaves unblemished), moth stains on inner margins. Margins of last leaves professionally restored. New paper cut in color of binding. New elegant leather binding.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $1,000
Sefer Igeret HaTeshuva by Rabbenu Yonah Gerondi, “which the Rosh commanded and instructed to read on the week of Rosh Chodesh”. Krakow, [1586].
On reverse side of title page interesting preface by printer “anonymous cantor of congregation of Lo’ez country”, who relates “the tremendous dangers” which befell him on his way to Krakow, and the printing of this book as a tribute of thanks for his rescue.
This edition contains the “Drush HaShlishi”, which was printed at first under the name “Drashat HaNashim” in Sefer HaYirah by Rabbenu Yonah (Salonika, 1529), and ever since became an integral and direct continuation of Igeret HaTeshuva in all editions. As well, this edition contains “Divrei Musar Chachamim… Sefer HaMusar” – which is the first section of the will attributed to the Rambam (which he wrote to Rabbi Avraham), as well as “Derech Tova” – Musar book by Rabbi Yosef ben Tzaddik.
12 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, many stains and wear on margins. Signatures and Italian ownership notations. Worn cardboard binding.
This copy contains a topographic change on the last page, in comparison with the copy which appears on the HebrewBooks site.
On reverse side of title page interesting preface by printer “anonymous cantor of congregation of Lo’ez country”, who relates “the tremendous dangers” which befell him on his way to Krakow, and the printing of this book as a tribute of thanks for his rescue.
This edition contains the “Drush HaShlishi”, which was printed at first under the name “Drashat HaNashim” in Sefer HaYirah by Rabbenu Yonah (Salonika, 1529), and ever since became an integral and direct continuation of Igeret HaTeshuva in all editions. As well, this edition contains “Divrei Musar Chachamim… Sefer HaMusar” – which is the first section of the will attributed to the Rambam (which he wrote to Rabbi Avraham), as well as “Derech Tova” – Musar book by Rabbi Yosef ben Tzaddik.
12 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, many stains and wear on margins. Signatures and Italian ownership notations. Worn cardboard binding.
This copy contains a topographic change on the last page, in comparison with the copy which appears on the HebrewBooks site.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $2,000
Genealogy book, chronicles from Adam HaRishon and chain of events leading to receiving of the Torah, by Rabbi Avraham Zacut, with additions: Letter by Rav Shrira Ga’on; fourth article from book Yesod Olam by Rabbi Yitzchak HaYisraeli; glosses by Rabbi Moshe Iserlish [the Rama]; Seder Olam Zuta. Krakow, [1580-1581]. [Printing press of Yitzchak son of Aharon of Prostich].
Second edition. Leaves 5-7 [order of generations from Adam until Avraham] added in present edition. Leaf 155-156: Collection from Sefer Orchot Olam by Rabbi Avraham Prizol. Leaf 156, B: “Words of the Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Iserlish: … which I have copied from Sefer Yesod Olam… and in each place where I added a Chiddush I wrote…”. The majority of the following editions are based upon this edition.
168 leaves. 20 cm. Good condition, stains. Single tears. Ownership notations, Oriental signature on title page. Censorship erasures. Ancient damaged leather binding.
Leaf 7/B blank in majority of copies, however some contain glued leaf with dates of Chumashim [see Bibliography Institute CD record 0178012]. In this copy the printers glued a blank leaf on the abovementioned text.
Second edition. Leaves 5-7 [order of generations from Adam until Avraham] added in present edition. Leaf 155-156: Collection from Sefer Orchot Olam by Rabbi Avraham Prizol. Leaf 156, B: “Words of the Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Iserlish: … which I have copied from Sefer Yesod Olam… and in each place where I added a Chiddush I wrote…”. The majority of the following editions are based upon this edition.
168 leaves. 20 cm. Good condition, stains. Single tears. Ownership notations, Oriental signature on title page. Censorship erasures. Ancient damaged leather binding.
Leaf 7/B blank in majority of copies, however some contain glued leaf with dates of Chumashim [see Bibliography Institute CD record 0178012]. In this copy the printers glued a blank leaf on the abovementioned text.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Ha’Agudah, Halachic rulings on order of tractates of the Shas, Rabbi Alexander Zuslin HaCohen. Krakow, [1571]. Printing press of Yitzhcak son of Aharon of Prostitz. First edition.
First letters at beginning of each tractate of fine wooden etchings; decorated frame added at beginning of each order.
4, 244 leaves [originally: 4, 250 leaves; missing: six index leaves], leaves 85-108 erroneously bound between leaves 221-222. 28 cm. Fair condition. Stains, moth marks, coarse tears on upper margins. Index leaves detached.
First letters at beginning of each tractate of fine wooden etchings; decorated frame added at beginning of each order.
4, 244 leaves [originally: 4, 250 leaves; missing: six index leaves], leaves 85-108 erroneously bound between leaves 221-222. 28 cm. Fair condition. Stains, moth marks, coarse tears on upper margins. Index leaves detached.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $2,000
Rav Alfas, Volume 2, Seder Nashim and Tractate Chulin. Krakow, 1597. Printed by Yitzchak ben Aharon of Prostich.
Signatures and owners' inscriptions from various times. On title page, signature in early Ashkenasi handwriting from time of printing: "Moshe ben Yoseph Bir—" [Birgel?]. The book's sheets have dozens of ancient glosses in that same handwriting from the 16th -17th century.
268 leaves. 35.5 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and stains to some pages. Some glosses are slightly cut off. Antique binding, leather-covered wood decorated with engravings, with one complete buckle and remnants of another buckle, tears to binding spine.
Signatures and owners' inscriptions from various times. On title page, signature in early Ashkenasi handwriting from time of printing: "Moshe ben Yoseph Bir—" [Birgel?]. The book's sheets have dozens of ancient glosses in that same handwriting from the 16th -17th century.
268 leaves. 35.5 cm. Good-fair condition, wear and stains to some pages. Some glosses are slightly cut off. Antique binding, leather-covered wood decorated with engravings, with one complete buckle and remnants of another buckle, tears to binding spine.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $1,600
Responsa by the great rabbi, the Ga’on Rabbeinu Nissim Gerondi. Rome, [1545-1546]. Printing press of Yitzchak D’latash, Binyamin Marneinu and Antonio Bladau.
First edition of HaRan Responsa, which was printed according to a single manuscript [“as we have found in the sole copy”]. The book contains glosses by the printer Rabbi Yitzchak D’latash, a few of which begin with the initials “Ayal” [=Amar [said] Yitzchak Latash]. Question 2 was found in the manuscript without a response for which Rabbi Yitzchak D’latash wrote an answer. The colophon notes: “The spirit of G-D envelops me as I have viewed the responses of Rabbeinu Nissim…”.
173, [33] pages. 18.5 cm. Good condition, stains. Signature in Italian handwriting and ownership notations. Handwritten glosses on leaf margins [summary of topics of responses]. Damaged binding.
First edition of HaRan Responsa, which was printed according to a single manuscript [“as we have found in the sole copy”]. The book contains glosses by the printer Rabbi Yitzchak D’latash, a few of which begin with the initials “Ayal” [=Amar [said] Yitzchak Latash]. Question 2 was found in the manuscript without a response for which Rabbi Yitzchak D’latash wrote an answer. The colophon notes: “The spirit of G-D envelops me as I have viewed the responses of Rabbeinu Nissim…”.
173, [33] pages. 18.5 cm. Good condition, stains. Signature in Italian handwriting and ownership notations. Handwritten glosses on leaf margins [summary of topics of responses]. Damaged binding.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years