Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
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Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,500
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Set of Machzorim for high holidays. Part I: Seder Ashmurot, selichot for Elul and ten days of repentance, "according to the rite of the Carpentras, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and Cavaillon rite"; Part II, Rosh Hashanah service; and Part III, Yom Kippur service, "according to the Avignon rite", edited by R. Avraham Montel. Amsterdam: Hertz Levi Rofe and his son-in-law Kashman, 1763-1766.
Three volumes in original leather bindings (non-uniform).
Gilt inscriptions on both sides of second volume: "Eliezer De Carcassonne" [Eliezer of Carcassonne, southern France].
Gilt inscription on front of third volume: "Israel Ravail".
Handwritten prayer mounted on endpaper of Rosh Hashanah volume.
Signature on title page of second volume: "Joseph Vallabrègue".
Inscription on endpaper of first volume: "Yosef son of Pinchas".
In some copies of Seder Ashmurot, including the present copy, the title page reads "according to the rite of the Carpentras, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and Cavaillon" instead of "according to the Avignon rite"; apart from this, the two editions are entirely identical (on the differences between the selichot rites of Carpentras and Avignon, see: Zunz, Rites of Synagogue Liturgy, Breuer-Fraenkel Hebrew translation, Jerusalem, 2016, pp. 137-138, 291-294).
The Carpentras prayer and piyyut rites are unique to the southeast French community. Its text was copied in manuscript machzorim for community members until the local scribes were unable to meet the demand. At that point a young local Torah scholar named R. Avraham son of Shmuel de Monteux (Montel) began to print the unique Carpentras prayer rite.
On the background to the publication and the work of the publisher Avraham son of Shmuel de Monteux (here called Montel), see: Sh. Schwartzfuchs, Documents on the Printing of "Mahzor Karpentrats", Alei Sefer, 6-7, 1979, pp. 145-147 (Hebrew).
Three volumes. Volume I (Selichot): [1], 82 leaves. Leaves 81-82 appear twice. Volume II (Rosh Hashanah): 60, 65-68 leaves. Volume III (Yom Kippur): 89 leaves. 24-25.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains. Original leather bindings (non-uniform). Wear and damage to bindings (tears to spines and corners).
Before title page of first volume is bound [1] additional leaf not mentioned in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, with approbations of Carpentras rabbis, identical to those appearing in the other two volumes.
Zedner, p. 456; C. Roth, The Liturgy of Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin, in: Journal of Jewish Bibliography (1939), pages 102-103.
French Jewry – Manuscripts and Books
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $2,000 - $5,000
Sold for: $4,750
Including buyer's premium
Ho'il Moshe Be'er, by R. Moshe Karmi (Crémieu), supercommentary on Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Torah, Part IV – Bamidbar. Aix (Aix-en-Provence, southern France): [Augustin] Pontier, 1836.
Ho'il Moshe Be'er is a thirteen-part work, in two series: the first series, in six parts, is a commentary to the year-round prayers according to the rite of the communities of the Carpentras region (Carpentras, Cavaillon, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and Avignon). The second series, in seven parts, comprises a supercommentary to Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Torah, the Five Megillot and the books of Mishlei and Iyov. Five additional parts, reserved for commentaries on other works by the Ibn Ezra, were never printed, due to the passing of the author in 1837, and the manuscript has evidently been lost. The present volume, with the supercommentary to Bamidbar, is the fourth of the seven printed volumes of commentary to the Ibn Ezra.
The series is held to have been printed in twenty-five copies only, which may have been intended to be distributed to the close friends of the author, which would explain the extreme rarity of these volumes.
The author, R. Moshe Karmi (Crémieu; 1766-1837), born in Carpentras, a Torah scholar who dealt in biblical commentary and early piyyut. He presumably held an important private library in his home, comprising rare manuscripts and printed books. His father, R. Shlomo Chaim, authored a supercommentary to Rashi on the Torah named Cheshek Shlomo, and R. Moshe frequently quotes Torah insights in his name. His father-in-law and uncle, R. Mordechai Karmi, authored Maamar Mordechai and Divrei Mordechai. In 1790, R. Moshe, his father and father-in-law left Carpentras for Aix.
See: N. Ben-Menachem, BeShaarei Sefer, Jerusalem, 1967, pp. 164-172, for a detailed description of the various parts of this work, and other details regarding this work and its author.
[2], 132, [4] leaves. 18.5 cm. Good condition. Light stains. New binding.
One of the only Hebrew books ever printed in Aix.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and the NLI catalogue list only [3] leaves at the end of the Bamidbar volume, while this copy features [4] leaves at the end.
Zedner, p. 193.
French Jewry – Manuscripts and Books
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