Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Large handwritten leaf, ten statutes of the Poel Tzedek Society in Satmar, signed by the treasurers and directors of the society. Satmar, April 25, 1872. Western Yiddish.
Large leaf, written on both sides. The statutes are prefaced with the objectives of the founding of the "Poel Tzedek" Society in the city, which was to provide assistance to poor mothers for the circumcision and the celebration thereof by poor families. In return, the society members were to be granted the honors such as the Sandak role in the circumcision. Below appear ten statutes detailing the elections, guidelines for accepting new members, taxes and ongoing payments, roles and honors, and more.
On the reverse side of the page are the signatures of about 14 treasurers and directors of the society: Moshe Bloch, Herman Klein, Leopold Bichholtz, Adolf Kestenbaum, Yaakov Hersh Deissig, and (in Latin letters) Klein Dávid, Grünbaum Herman, Roth Ahron, Blum Mihael, Glűck Samuel, and more.
On the margins of the leaf is the official wax seal of the Satmar Jewish community and an inscription in Hungarian, signed – Satmar, April 14, 1873.
[1] leaf. 40.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Tears and light damage to margins.
Handwritten leaf, 11 ordinances and restrictions regarding shochatim and laws of shechita, signed by R. Moshe Yosef Hoffman, the "dayan of Pupa" (Pápa). [Apparently Pápa, ca. late 19th century.]
Written on the reverse side of official stationery: "Moshe Yosef Hoffman – dayan of Pupa", with his signature – "Moshe Yosef son of R. M[ichael] Hoffman". Next to it is the signature of "Mendel Steiner" [apparently also a dayan of Pápa].
In the margin are added instructions relating to payment for immersing in a mikveh.
R. Moshe Yosef Hoffman, "the dayan of Pupa" (1843-1928), was a leading Torah scholar of Hungary and Jerusalem. He was born in Szerdahely (Dunajská Streda) in 1843 to his father R. Michael Hoffman, a disciple of the Chatam Sofer. He was a disciple of R. Yehudah Assad, and later studied under the Ketav Sofer. He was appointed dayan and posek of Pupa (Pápa) in 1882. In 1909 he immigrated to Jerusalem, where he established his Beit Midrash [known to this day as that of the dayan of Pupa]. He was one of the foremost authorities in Jerusalem, and was renowned as a wonderworker whose blessings were fulfilled. His famous disciples include R. Shabtai Sheftel Weiss, Av Beit Din of Nagysimonyi, and R. Yehoshua Buxbaum, Av Beit Din of Galanta. R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, Rabbi of Jerusalem, also considered him one of his teachers. His books include Mei Be'er and Mayim Chaim.
[1] leaf. 22.5 cm. Good condition. Folds and creases. Stains and wear. Small holes to margins and folds.
Collection of 75 official documents in Hungarian, most filled in handwriting, and signed and stamped by Hungarian rabbis and community leaders just before the Holocaust – registration of Pinkasim (community ledgers). [Hungary, ca. 1939.] Hungarian.
Official documents, apparently printed by the Central Orthodox Bureau in Budapest and sent to rabbis and leaders of various Hungarian communities for them to register the breadth and range of years of Pinkasim documenting births, marriages, deaths and conscriptions existing in their communities. The forms were filled in by hand by rabbis and community leaders, who added various handwritten notes and inscriptions with additional information about the Pinkasim in their communities. Most of the forms bear the official stamp of the congregation.
The present item is a rare and exceptional documentation of the various Pinkasim in Hungary just before the Holocaust. Most of the rabbis and community leaders who signed the documents perished in the Holocaust.
The collection includes:
• Form for the Pinkasim of Sopron (Ödenburg), filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Shimon Yisrael Posen [1895-1969; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 412-414].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Verpelet, filled in by hand and signed, apparently by rabbi of the community R. Yosef Asher HaLevi Pollak [1898-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 148-149].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Dunaföldvár, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yitzchak Zekel Pollak [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria p. 117].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Szerencs, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Menachem HaLevi Pollak [1890-1953; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 298-299].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Neuhäusel (Érsekújvár), filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yosef Meir Tigerman [1852-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 47-49].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Békéscsaba, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yitzchak Tigerman [1890-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 63-64].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Kunszentmiklós, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yitzchak Tzvi Eizik Panet [1902-1968; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 374-375].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Weitzen (Vác), filled in by hand, signed and stamped by rabbi of the community R. David Yehudah Leib Silberstein [1885-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 145-146].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Beled, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Aharon Silberstein [perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 53-54].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Mezőcsát, filled in by hand and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Shraga Tzvi Altman [1898-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 206-207].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Bayom (Biharnagybajom), filled in by hand and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Naftali Brisk [1904-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 88].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Tiszadada, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. David Yaakov Brisk [perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 180].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Polgár, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Menachem Mendel Lemberger [1874-1943; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 337-338].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Feledhaza (Kiskunfélegyháza), filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Aharon Mordechai Lieberman [1886-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 382-383].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Vágsellye, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Mordechai HaKohen Strasser [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria p. 140-141].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Tiszafüred, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Shmuel Binyamin HaKohen Strasser [1890-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 183-184].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Szenc, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Menachem Mendel (Mano) Bresnitz [1883-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 288].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Kiskőrös, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yaakov Sneiders [died 1984; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 383-384].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Balatonfüred, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Ezra Menachem Goldstein [died 1942; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 54-55].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Komárom, filled in by hand, signed and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Yehoshua Lefkowitz [1894-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 369-370].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Derecske, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Tzvi Hirsch Katz Kahn [died 1971; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 109-110].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Pétervására, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Shmuel Reinitz, author of Arugat HaBosem [perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 315].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Mezőkeresztes, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Menachem Tzvi Friedman [perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 208].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Bátorkeszi, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Tzvi HaKohen Shatin [born 1884, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 50-51].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Nagysalló, filled in by hand and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Yosef Abeles [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 375-376].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Szepsi, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Moshe Tennenbaum [1886-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 292].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Tarcal, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yehoshua Heshel Rosner [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria p. 167].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Kolta, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Aryeh Reichhardt [1883-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 368].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Sárbogárd, filled in by hand and signed, apparently by rabbi of the community R. Yekutiel Ze'ev Roth [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 406-407].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Csepreg, filled in by hand, apparently by rabbi of the community R. Yechezkel Shraga HaKohen Moskowitz [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria p. 347].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Rimaszombat, filled in by hand and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Eliezer Singer [1888-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 396-397].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Jóka, filled in by hand, signed and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Shmuel König [1890-1945, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 190-191].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Hahót, filled in by hand, signed and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Yosef Rosenberger [Kehillot Hungaria p. 119].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Sajószentpéter, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Moshe Chaim Grünfeld [1888-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 400-402].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Püspökladány, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Avraham Segal Strauss [died 1940; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 341-342].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Ózd-Bolyok, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yerachmiel Katzburg [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 12-13].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Tiszabercel, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Ezra HaKohen Fried [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria p. 179].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Nagyida, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yisrael Felberman [died 1942; Kehillot Hungaria p. 232].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Gyönk, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Yosef Yitzchak Meisner [1875-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 99-100].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Nyíracsád, filled in by hand and signed, apparently by rabbi of the community R. Avraham Yosef Lichtenstein [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 268-269].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Diósgyőr, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Tuviah Peretz Stein [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 117-118].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Pomáz, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Aharon Tzvi Gross [perished in the Holocaust 1945; Kehillot Hungaria p. 339].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Tolcsva, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Akiva Pinchas Kornitzer [ca. 1900-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 171-172].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Torna, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. Shmuel Tennenbaum [1889-1944, perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 174-175].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Nemesszalók, filled in by hand and signed by rabbi of the community R. David Schick [1872-perished in the Holocaust; Kehillot Hungaria p. 262].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Gúta (Kolárovo), filled in by hand, signed and stamped by rabbi of the community R. Yechiel Baum [1977-1940; Kehillot Hungaria p. 96].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Cece, filled in by hand and signed by R. Yekutiel Ze'ev Roth, Av Beit Din of Sárbogárd [perished in the Holocaust 1944; Kehillot Hungaria pp. 348, 406-407].
• Form for the Pinkasim of Erdőbénye, filled in by hand and signed by president of the community R. Shimon Gutman [Kehillot Hungaria pp. 63-64].
The collection likewise contains additional forms filled in by hand, with or without the stamps of the community (or signed by rabbis or community leaders we were unable to identify), including forms for the Pinkasim of the following communities: • Bűdszentmihály; • Nagymegyer (Magendorf); • Munkács; • Ungvár; • Eger (Erlau); • Mád; • Gyömöre (Yemering); • Nagykálló (Kaliv); • Nagysurány; • Szatmárököritó; • Zala Mihályfa; • Kassa (Košice); • Tab; • Jolsva; • Czecze; • Székesfehérvár; • Hejőcsaba; • Dévaványa; • Nagyoroszi; • Tiszalök; • Kaba; • Szarvas; • Vámosmikola; • Abaújszina (Seňa); • Győrszentmárton (Martinsberg); • Kapuvár.
[75] leaves. 34 cm. Overall good condition.
Collection of 40 official forms – printed questionnaires filled in and signed by Hungarian rabbis. Forms sent to Hungarian authorities in 1940, and other forms sent to the Hungarian military in 1942. Hungarian.
Official questionnaires filled in by hand (or typewritten) by community rabbis, containing detailed personal information on the rabbis who filled out the forms: the name of the rabbi, where he served as rabbi, his date and place of birth, his address, his official role in the community, his year of appointment as rabbi, where he previously served as rabbi, which authority approved the choice of him as rabbi, who ordained him as rabbi, what the Jewish population was in the city during the most recent census, enclosed documents, and more. The forms are signed by the local rabbi (who filled out the document) and the rabbi of the province. All the forms bear the official stamps of the rabbis and community leaders.
The present item is a rare and exceptional documentation of the rabbis and their communities just before the Holocaust, containing much information unknown from other sources. Most of the rabbis and community leaders who signed the documents perished in the Holocaust.
The collection includes forms (Bejelentőlap) issued by the Hungarian authorities and filled out in 1940:
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Meir Leifer, Av Beit Din of Felsökalocsa, and signed and stamped by rabbi of the province and Volova (Okörmezö, Mizhhiria).
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aharon Kahana, Av Beit Din of Bistra (Petrovabisztra; grandson of Rebbe Yosef Meir Weiss, the Imrei Yosef of Spinka), and signed by community leaders.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yitzchak Schreiber (Sofer), Av Beit Din of Havasköz, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Tzvi Hirsch Schreiber (Sofer), Av Beit Din of Nagyberezna, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Friedman, Av Beit Din of Szomotor, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Yoel Ze'ev Glattstein, Av Beit Din of Királyhelmecz, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Grünzweig, Av Beit Din of Ladmóc (son of R. Asher Zelig Grünzweig, Av Beit Din of Dovhe), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yehoshua Lerner, Av Beit Din of Volóc (Volovets), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Natan Yosef Zimtbaum, rabbi in Grosswardein (Nagyvárad; grandson of R. Pinchas Zimtbaum, Av Beit Din of Grosswardein), signed by the community leaders and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aharon Tzvi Kestenbaum, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Yitzchak HaKohen Schönfeld, Av Beit Din of Tiszaújlak, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Yitzchak HaKohen Schönfeld, Av Beit Din of Tiszaújlak, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yitzchak Tzvi (Gyula) Fürst of the Talmud Torah society in Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.
• Questionnaire filled in and signed and by R. Avraham (Gáspár) Engel, rabbi of the yeshiva of Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. David Selzer, rabbi of the synagogue and Beit Midrash of Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Avraham Schopschowitz, Av Beit Din of Szászóka, signed by the rabbi of the province R. Chaim Yehudah Leib Goldenberg, Av Beit Din of Szolyva (Svaliava), and signed and stamped by the community leaders and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Glück, Av Beit Din of Bodzásújlak, and signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yosef Glück, Av Beit Din of Garany-Szürnyeg, and signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Glück, Av Beit Din of Bodzásújlak, signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Alexander Schwartz, dayan and posek in Szolotvina, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Yehudah Leib Goldenberg, Av Beit Din of Szolyva, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Moshe Dov Ber Weissberger, Av Beit Din of Nagytárkány, signed and stamped by the community president and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Shmelka Ginsburg, Av Beit Din of Aranyosmeggyes, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Meir Weiss, rabbi in Oroszvég, signed by R. Ben Tzion Weiss, Av Beit Din of Oroszvég, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Nachum Perl, shochet in Tiszabogdány, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Spitzer, Av Beit Din of Tiszabogdány, signed by the community leader R. Shmuel Rosenberg and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Moshe Yaakov Beek, Av Beit Din of Alsóapsa, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in on behalf of by R. Tzvi (Herman) Friedman, Av Beit Din of Kovácsrét, signed by R. Shlomo Kahn and with the community's stamp.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aladár Roth, Av Beit Din of Bercsényifalva, with the community's stamp, and signed by the provincial community leader (R. Shmuel Yehudah Steiger?) and with the community stamp of Nagyberezna.
• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yosef Yosovitch, Av Beit Din of Beregpálfalva (Volovytsya), signed by the rabbi of the Ilosva province (R. Moshe Wertzberger, Av Beit Din of Ilosva?), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.
• Two questionnaires filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.
• Questionnaire filled in and signed by R. Yaakov Seidenfeld, Av Beit Din of Gyertyánliget, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, and signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.
• Questionnaire filled in and signed by R. Yosef Wiesel, rabbi in Nagybocskó, with his signature and that of rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, and signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.
The collection additionally includes forms (kérdőív) from the authority of the military authorities filled out in the year 1942, including questionnaires filled out by:
• R. Aharon Tzvi Kestenbaum, dayan and posek in Tiszaújlak;
• R. Azriel Yehudah Leibowitz, Av Beit Din of Hajdúhadház;
• R. Avraham Eliezer Citron, Av Beit Din of Hajdúdorog;
• R. Yehoshua Citron, Av Beit Din of Hajdúböszörmény;
• R. Yitzchak Schreiber (Sofer), rabbi in Nagyberezna;
• R. Wolf Strobach (Ze'ev Sheftel Henich Edelhaub), dayan and posek in Iszka;
• R. Yekutiel Yehudah (Zalman) Halpert, Av Beit Din of Hajdúnánás;
• R. Shlomo Zucker, Av Beit Din of Nagyhalász;
• R. Moshe Dov Ber son of R. Shalom Noach Landau, dayan and posek in Alsóverecke; • R. Menachem Mendel Lemberger, Av Beit Din of Polgár;
• R. David Gross, Av Beit Din of Tab;
• R. Shmuel Shmelka Ginsburg, Av Beit Din of Aranyosmeggyes.
[41] leaves. 34 cm. Overall good condition.
Forms for recording testimonies of the deaths of women and men – large collection of over 200 signed forms containing testimonies used to permit agunim and agunot to remarry after the Holocaust, signed by dayanim. [Various Hungarian cities, mostly Budapest, 1946-1959]. Hebrew, Yiddish and Hungarian.
Forms printed on both sides, with details filled in by hand and signed by the witnesses, and signed and sealed by the dayanim of the Beit Din, noting the place and the year. The forms were apparently printed on the authority of the special Beit Din established in Budapest after the Holocaust under the Central Bureau of Orthodox Communities in Hungary for the purpose of permitting agunim and agunot to remarry.
The present forms contain eyewitness testimonies of those who were murdered or perished in the German concentration camps and death camps. Each form contains various questions and clarifications on the origin and birthplace of the woman or man, the manner they were murdered and who witnessed it (questions such as where they knew each other from, where they were sent from and when, who was together with them, whether they brought children with them, which side they were sent to in Auschwitz, whether they saw them in the shower, whether they came back from labor, time of death, whether they were seen or said to have been burned).
Most of the present forms contain signatures of rabbis and heads of the Special Beit Din for Agunot in Budapest at various times: R. Yaakov Segal Leibowitz [the Rabbi of Kopish (Kaposvár)]; R. Yisrael Welz; R. Shimon Yisrael Posen, Av Beit Din of Sopron; R. Gavriel Yehudah Elowitz; R. Yehoshua Lerner, Av Beit Din of Volovets; R. Moshe Dov Wallner; R. Moshe Natan Schick; R. Yitzchak Tzvi Panet; R. Tzvi Hirsch HaKohen Katz, Av Beit Din of Derecske; R. Avraham Eliezer Citron, Av Beit Din of Hajdúdorog; R. Chananya Dov HaKohen; R. Naftali Rubenfeld; R. Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler; R. Asher Babad; R. Yehudah Aryeh Pilap; R. Yerachmiel Yaakov Dushinsky, Av Beit Din of Rákospalota; R. Moshe Blau; and more.
Some of the forms contain rabbis’ signatures and Beit Din stamps from various cities in Hungary, who collected the testimony in their cities, including: R. Yochanan Sofer, Av Beit Din of Eger (Erlau) and court; R. Moshe Stern, Av Beit Din of Debrecen [author of Be’er Moshe] and court; R. Betzalel Stern [author of BeTzel HaChochmah] and court in Pápa; R. Shemayah Schwartz, dayan and posek in Nyíregyháza and court; R. Shlomo Dov Wieder in Nyíregyháza; R. Chizkiyah Feivel Rosenberg, dayan and posek in Debrecen and court; R. Amram HaLevi Jungreis; R. Yaakov Tzvi HaLevi Jungreis, Av Beit Din in Fehérgyarmat and court; R. Amram Tzvi Grünwald, Rosh Av Beit Din of Ujhel (Sátoraljaújhely) and court; R. David Moskowitz, Av Beit Din of Bonyhád and court; R. Baruch Tzvi HaKohen Moskowitz and court in Paks; R. Tzvi Aryeh Schick, Av Beit Din of Sărmaș and court; R. Yekutiel Mordechai Schick, Av Beit Din of Miskolc, and Rosh Av Beit Din R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Grossman and court; R. Aharon Wieder, dayan and posek of Munkacs and court in Munkacs and Kleinwardein (Kisvárda); R. Yekutiel Yehudah Heilprin, Av Beit Din of Hajdúnánás; and many other rabbis signing as the dayanim who collected the testimonies – in addition to the signatures of the witnesses, including rabbis and famous persons.
Over 200 forms, printed and written on both sides. Most forms 29.5 cm. most in very good condition.