Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Archive of Mrs. Yehudit Ross - Letters by Sarah Schnirer

Opening: $2,000
Sold for: $3,750
Including buyer's premium
Archive of Mrs. Yehudit Ross (Frankel). Letter and documents in Yiddish, German and Hebrew, which contain important material related to the history of the girls' school of the Beit Ya'akov movement in Poland, in the 1920's and 1930's.
Five handwritten letters [in Yiddish and German] by Ms. Sarah Schnirer, founder of the Beit Ya'akov movement, which were sent to Ms. Ross between the years 1925-1935 (one letter laminated). * Letters to Ms. Ross from the Beit Ya'akov administration in Krakow and from Mercaz Agudat Israel and more. * Printed booklets in Yiddish [booklet for study of Shmoneh Esreh prayer, printed in Pietrekov; regulations and course of study for the Beit Ya'akov schools. Printed in Krakow;"Yehudit - history program", by Sarah Schnirer - Krakow, 1921;"Program for the study of Yahadut for the Beit Ya'akov schools in Poland" - Warsaw, 1931. * Lists in German * Printed notice of sermon by Rabbi Lau of Warsaw * Printed leaf in honor of marriage of Yosef Tzvi and Le'ah Esther Ross. Typewritten copies of articles written by Ms. Ross, and additional items [attached is a booklet written in her memory and leaves which were used for the preparation of the booklet].
Yehudit Ross (passed away in 1992), native of Frankfurt, great granddaughter of Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch. As a result of a meeting with Sarah Schnirer which had a deep impact upon her, she enthusiastically joined the Beit Ya'akov movement in Slovakia and Romania, where she remained in close contact with Sarah Schnirer. Among the rest she was sent to Kashoi, Slovakia to teach in the Orthodox school for girls which was established in the city. In 1935 immigrated to Eretz Israel and was principal of a girls' school in Tiberias, afterwards she founded a Beit Ya'akov school in Petach Tikva, and finally moved to Jerusalem, where she married Rabbi Moshe Reuven Perkal and educated girls for many years in Beit Ya'akov until her demise.
Approx. 22 items. Various sizes and conditions.