Auction 28 - Objects - Judaica, Ceremonial Art and Israeliana

Anti-Semitic Beer Jug – Germany, 1893

Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,750
Including buyer's premium
Beer jug (0.5 liter) with anti-Semitic vignettes, designed by Johann Korzilius of Köln-Ehrenfeld. Germany, 1893.
Ceramic jug; ceramic and pewter cover. Stamped on bottom: "Musterschutz".
Four anti-Semitic vignettes are molded on the jug (with captions), in two transverse bands. The upper band has three vignettes: the first portrays a German farmer with three Jews sitting on his plow, titled: "This plow would not be so heavy if Aron, Jonas and Hirsch were not sitting on it." The second vignette portrays a laborer with the caption "We labor for such low wages, however Cohen reaps the profits." In the third vignette, two Jews appear picking the pocket of a third person, all under a tree. Between the two bands is a long sentence in German: "Written in the Talmud: 'Only Jews are human, the rest of the nations are compared to animals', and "Non-Jews' gold is free for us and it belongs to he who gets it first". On the bottom band is a rich and detailed scene describing the future expulsion of the Jews from Germany in 1910, accompanied by various anti-Semitic texts: "Great joy and happiness, Germany is free of Jews!", "To Palestine", etc. In the background is a house with the following inscription on its wall: "A German house! Jews may not enter." The jug cover is different from other covers documented in the books. Appearing on their covers are five portraits of prominent anti-Semitic figures from the second half of the 19th century. In the center of this cover is the German word "Heil" surrounded by five round medals. A different German anti-Semitic sentence appears inside each medal.
Height: 21 cm. Diameter : 11 cm.