Auction 48 - Rare and Important Items

Advertisement Cards for "Totzeret HaAretz" – Illustrated by Peretz Ruschkewitz

Opening: $1,500
Sold for: $4,000
Including buyer's premium
36 colorful cards, illustrated by Peretz Ruschkewitz. [Issued by "HaIgud LeMa'an Tozeret HaAretz" (Association for Local Products)]. Advertising agency: Dr. Shlezinger, Tel-Aviv. Lithographic printing Monsohn, Jerusalem, [late 1930s or early 1940s].
A series of cards divided into nine sub-series. Each sub-series consists of four cards. Each series promotes local products and industry: "Tel-Aviv" (cinema, hairdressing salon, and more); "Ramot Hashavim" (a fresh egg, a chicken of good quality, and more); "Lamehadrin Bamezonot" (Atara Chocolate, 'Sova' Cakes, and more); "LeBa'aley Ta'am Adin" [for connoisseurs] (Men's fashion, 'Meshi Sachs', and more); "Latzeme'im" [for the thirsty] ('Asis' juice, 'Tasas" lemonade, and more); "De'ag Leatidcha" [secure your future] (insurance for children, Maccabi 'Atid', and more); "Shapper et B’riutcha” [improve your health] (‘Sova’ Bread, Skin Ointment ‘Astar’, and more); “Akeret HaBayit HaNevonah” [the intelligent housewife] (Cacao ‘Aka’, ‘Leshed’ Oil by ‘Yitzhar’ and more); as well as a series sponsored by the city of Tel-Aviv – “Hizaharu miTeunot Rechov” [avoid street accidents] (Do not throw fruit peels in the street, bicycle rider drive slowly, always ride on the side of the street, and more).
Charming illustrations by Peretz Ruschkewitz are printed on the cards (each card is signed in print), in colorful lithographic printing. On the reverse appear the details of the publisher and printer.
8.5X6 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Some tears to several cards.
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items